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Google Contacts

Google Contacts is similar to an online address book.

It gives you easy access to the people you want to reach, and can include information such as names, addresses, office and mobile phone numbers, job title, birthday, your own notes and more.

The following links provide a basic introduction to the main features of Google Contacts.

Getting started

Key features

  • Creating Contacts - Add your own contacts to build up on online address book.
  • Search for Contacts - Search through your contacts to locate the people you want to reach.
  • Working with Groups - Create a local group (similar to a distribution list) so that you can use the group within your calendar to invite people to your events. 
  • Synchronise Contacts - Sync contacts to your mobile device. Depending on the phone you're using, you might have different default sync settings. Most phones synchronize with your My Contacts group by default, but some sync with other groups as well. 

Other useful links