CHE Policy Forums

Living with long waiting times: approaches to prioritising patients
Speakers: Naomi Gibbs and Peter Sivey, Centre for Health Economics, University of York
Discussant: Max Warner, Institute for Fiscal Studies
11 July 2024

Building a policy-focussed global health economics research programme
Speaker: Paul Revill, CHE
Discussant: Katharina Hauck, Imperial College London
Discussant: Jo Keatinge, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office

29 November 2023

How much should we pay for innovation? Fair pricing for pharmaceuticals
Speaker: Beth Woods, CHE
Discussant: Adrian Towse, Office of Health Economics
Discussant: Keith Derbyshire, former Chief Economist & Chief Analyst, Department of Health and Social Care
18 October 2023

Paying for emergency care; why one size (probably) doesn't fit all
Speaker: Martin Chalkley, CHE
Discussant: Martin Campbell, Deputy Director for Payment Development, NHS England
Discussant: Anita Charlesworth, Director of Research and REAL Centre, NHS Foundation
26 September 2023