CHE Journal Articles
Researchers at CHE regularly publish their work in journals, books and other publications.
Our past journal articles are listed below:
- Alcaraz A, Lazo E, Casarini A, Rodriguez-Cairoli F, et al. (includes Palacios A). Exploring gender disparities in the disease and economic tobacco-attributable burden in Latin America. Front Public Health 2024;11:1321319.
- Amr- X Collaborators, Woods B, Sculpher M. System-wide approaches to antimicrobial therapy and antimicrobial resistance in the UK: the AMR-X framework. Lancet Microbe 2024;5:e500-7.
- Anteneh ZF, Mebratie AD, Shigute Z, Alemu G, Bedi AS. Does community-based health insurance affect lifestyle and timing of treatment seeking behavior? Evidence from Ethiopia. Glob Health J 2024;8:83-90.
- Arabadzhyan A, Castelli A, Gaughan JM, Chalkley MJ. Productivity of the English National Health Service: 2021/22 update. CHE Research Paper 196. York: Centre for Health Economics, University of York; 2024. Available from:
- Arabadzhyan A, Grašič K, Sivey P. COVID-19, deaths at home and end-of-life cancer care. Econ Hum Biol 2024;52:101338.
- Aragón MJ, Gravelle H, Castelli A, Goddard M, et al (includes Gutacker N, Mason A, Jacobs R). Measuring the overall performance of mental healthcare providers. Soc Sci Med 2024;344:116582.
- Armstrong-Hough M, Lin P, Venkatesh S, Ghous M, et al. Ethnic disparities in deep sedation of patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome in the United States: secondary analysis of a multicenter randomized trial. Ann Am Thorac Soc 2024;21:620-6.
- Ashworth E, McCarthy M, Wynne S, Robinson J, et al (includes Richardson G). Study protocol for the Multimodal Approach to Preventing Suicide in Schools (MAPSS) project: a regionally based feasibility trial of an integrated response to suicide risk among UK secondary school pupils. PLoS One 2024;19:e0302873.
- Bansi-Matharu L, Revill P, Taramusi I, Steen R, et al. The effect on HIV transmission and cost-effectiveness of programmes for female sex workers in East, Central, and Southern Africa: a modelling study. Lancet Glob Health 2024;12:e1436-e45.
- Bedendo A, Hinde S, Beresford B, Papworth A, et al (includes Weatherly H). Consultant-led UK paediatric palliative care services: professional configuration, services, funding. BMJ Support Palliat Care 2024;14:e554-e7.
- Bodnar O, Gravelle H, Gutacker N, Herr A. Financial incentives and prescribing behaviour in primary care. Health Econ 2024;33:696-713.
- Boyd J, Gibbs NK, Holmes J, Buckley C, et al. How can agent-based modelling provide new insights into the impact of minimum unit pricing in Scotland? Drug Alcohol Rev 2024;43:1657-61.
- Brodtkorb TH, Knight C, Kamgar F, Teitsson S, et al (includes Palmer S). Cost-effectiveness of nivolumab versus surveillance for the adjuvant treatment of patients with urothelial carcinoma who are at high risk of recurrence: a US payer perspective. J Med Econ 2024;27:543-53.
- Budge J, Carrell T, Yaqub M, Wafa H, et al (includes Palmer S). The ARIA trial protocol: a randomised controlled trial to assess the clinical, technical, and cost-effectiveness of a cloud-based, ARtificially Intelligent image fusion system in comparison to standard treatment to guide endovascular Aortic aneurysm repair. Trials 2024;25:214.
- Bwakura-Dangarembizi M, Szubert AJ, Mumbiro V, Kityo CM, et al (includes Zhang Y, Walker S). CHAPAS-4 trial: second-line anchor drugs for children with HIV in Africa. medRxiv [Preprint] 2024.
- Carswell C, Brown JVE, Shiers D, Ajjan R, et al (includes Jacobs R). The lived experience of informal caregivers of people who have severe mental illness and coexisting long-term conditions: a qualitative study. Health Expect 2024;27:e14119.
- Caspersen N, Jaksa U, Lordemus S, Moreno Serra R. Ripe for better post-war governance? The impact of the 2016 peace agreement on the reestablishment of health services in Colombia. Political Geography 2024;111:103090.
- Chalkou K, Hamza T, Benkert P, Kuhle J, et al (includes Manca A). Combining randomised and non-randomized data to predict heterogeneous effects of competing treatments. Res Synth Methods 2024.
- Claxton K, Lomas J, Longo F, Salas Ortiz A. Apples and oranges. Health Policy 2024;143:105041.
- Claxton KP, Lomas J, Longo F, Salas Ortiz A. Sampson and Cookson’s commentary: what is it good for? Health Policy 2024;146:105100.
- Connolly E, Mohan S, Twea P, Msuku T, et al. Revision of Malawi's Health Benefits Package: a critical analysis of policy formulation and implementation. Value Health Reg Issues 2024;39:84-94.
- Cox EM, Wade R, Hodgson R, Fulbright HA, et al (includes Walker SM, Rothery C). Devices for remote continuous monitoring of people with Parkinson's disease: a systematic review and cost-effectiveness analysis. Health Technol Assess 2024;28:1-187.
- D Trial Team, Turkova A, Chan MK, Kityo C, et al (includes Walker S). D3/Penta 21 clinical trial design: a randomised non-inferiority trial with nested drug licensing substudy to assess dolutegravir and lamivudine fixed dose formulations for the maintenance of virological suppression in children with HIV-1 infection, aged 2 to 15 years. Contemp Clin Trials 2024;142:107540.
- Dale VM, Gutacker N, Bradshaw JR, Bloor KE. Examining the hospital costs of children born into relative deprivation in England. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health 2024;78:493-9.
- de Oliveira C, Matias MA, Jacobs R. Microsimulation models on mental health: a critical review of the literature. Value Health 2024;27:226-46.
- Dijk SW, Krijkamp E, Kunst N, Labrecque JA, et al. Making drug approval decisions in the face of uncertainty: cumulative evidence versus value of information. Med Decis Making 2024;44:512-28.
- Dutra Teixeira A, Postali F, Ferreira-Batista N, Montoya Diaz MD, Moreno Serra R. The role of primary healthcare amid the COVID-19 pandemic: evidence from the Family Health Strategy in Brazil. Soc Sci Med 2024;359:117221.
- Espinosa O, Drummond M, Orozco L-E, Ordóñez A, Sanmartín D, et al (includes Ochalek JM). Estimation of societal values of health states preferences at the national level for low- and middle-income countries. Value Health Reg Issues 2024;39:40-8.
- Franklin M, Hinde S, Hunter R, Richardson G, Whittaker W. Is economic evaluation and care commissioning focussed on achieving the same outcomes? Resource-allocation considerations and challenges using England as a case study. Appl Health Econ Health Policy 2024;22:435–45.
- Fraser LK, Bedendo A, O'Neill M, Taylor J, et al (includes Richardson G, Phung H). Safety, resource use and nutritional content of home-blended diets in children who are gastrostomy fed: findings from 'YourTube' - a prospective cohort study. Arch Dis Child 2024;109:628-35.
- Gabani J, Mazumdar S, Hadji SB, Amara MM. The redistributive effect of the public health system: the case of Sierra Leone. Health Policy Plan 2024;39:4-21.
- Gibbs NK, Griffin S, Gutacker N, Villasenor-Lopez A, Walker SM. Elective surgery waiting time prioritisation to improve population health gains and reduce health inequalities. Sheffield: Universities of Sheffield and York; 2024.
- Gibbs NK, Griffin S, Gutacker N, Villasenor-Lopez A, Walker SM. The health impact of waiting for elective procedures in the NHS in England: a modelling framework applied to coronary artery bypass graft and total hip replacement. Med Decis Making 2024;44:572-85.
- Gladwell D, Ciani O, Parnaby A, Palmer S. Surrogacy and the valuation of ATMPs: taking our place in the evidence generation/assessment continuum. Pharmacoeconomics 2024;42:137-44.
- Gloria MAJ, Thavorncharoensap M, Chaikledkaew U, Youngkong S, et al (includes Ochalek J, Culyer AJ). Systematic review of the impact of health care expenditure on health outcome measures: implications for cost-effectiveness thresholds. Expert Rev Pharmacoeconomics Outcomes Res 2024;24:203-15.
- Glynn D, Giardina J, Hatamyar JF, Pandya A, et al (includes Soares MO). Integrating decision modelling and machine learning to inform treatment stratification. Health Econ 2024.
- Glynn D, Griffin S, Gutacker N, Walker SM. Methods to quantify the importance of parameters for model updating and distributional adaptation. Med Decis Making 2024.
- Glynn D, Gc VS, Claxton KP, Littlewood C, Rothery C. Rapid assessment of the need for evidence applying the principles of value of information to research prioritisation. Pharmacoeconomics 2024.
- Gutacker N, Anderson M, Wimmer S, Mossialos E, Abel-Smith B. Information gaps in England’s independent healthcare sector. BMJ 2024;384:e079261.
- Gutacker N, Fabiano G, Cole S, Barea C, et al. Patients' experience on pain outcomes after hip arthroplasty: insights from an information tool based on registry data. BMC Musculoskelet Disord 2024;25:255.
- Harlan EA, Venkatesh S, Morrison J, Cooke CR, et al. Rural-Urban differences in mortality among mechanically ventilated patients in intensive and intermediate care. Ann Am Thorac Soc 2024;21.
- Heath A, Kunst N, Grimm S. Reporting and presenting value of information analyses. In: Heath A, Kunst N, Jackson C, editors. Value of information for healthcare decision-making. New York: Taylor & Francis; 2024. p. 169-92.
- Heath A, Kunst N, Jackson C. Value of information for healthcare decision-making. New York: Taylor & Francis; 2024.
- Heath A, Kunst N, Welton NJ, Coyle D. A case study: a novel chemotherapy treatment. In: Heath A, Kunst N, Jackson C, editors. Value of information for healthcare decision-making. New York: Taylor & Francis; 2024. p. 31-46.
- Heath A, Strong M, Jackson C, Kunst N, et al. The expected value of sample information. In: Heath A, Kunst N, Jackson C, editors. Value of information for healthcare decision-making. New York: Taylor & Francis; 2024. p. 92-168.
- Hone T, Goncalves J, Seferidi P, Moreno Serra R, et al (includes Suhrcke M). Progress towards universal health coverage and inequalities in infant mortality: an analysis of 4.1 million births from 60 low- and middle-income countries between 2000-2019. Lancet Glob Health 2024;12:e744.
- Howard A, Reza N, Aston S, Woods B, et al. Antimicrobial treatment imprecision: an outcome-based model to close the data-to-action loop. Lancet Infect Dis 2024;24:e47-e58.
- Jackson C, Jalal H, Heath A, Kunst N, et al. The expected value of perfect or partial perfect information. In: Heath A, Kunst N, Jackson C, editors. Value of information for healthcare decision-making. New York: Taylor & Francis; 2024. p. 47-91.
- Jacob N, Chalkley M, Santos R, Siciliani L. Variation in attendance at emergency departments in England across local areas: a system under unequal pressure. Health Policy 2024;150:105186.
- Jacob N, Santos R, Sivey P. The long-run effect of COVID-19 on hospital emergency department attendances: evidence from statistical analysis of hospital data from England. Health Policy 2024;150:105168.
- James ND, Tannock I, N'Dow J, Feng F, et al (includes Sculpher M). The Lancet Commission on prostate cancer: planning for the surge in cases. Lancet 2024;403:1683-722.
- Johnson MJ, Currow DC, Chynoweth J, Weatherly HLA, et al. The cost of providing care by family and friends (informal care) in the last year of life: a population observational study. Palliat Med 2024;38:725-36.
- Kunst N, Jackson C, Heath A. Health economic modelling. In: Heath A, Kunst N, Jackson C, editors. Value of information for healthcare decision-making. New York: Taylor & Francis; 2024. p. 3-30.
- Kunst N, Long JB, Westvold S, Sprenkle PC, et al. Long-term outcomes of prostate-specific membrane antigen-PET imaging of recurrent prostate cancer. JAMA Netw Open 2024;7:e2440591.
- Kunst N, Siu A, Drummond M, Grimm S, et al (includes Rothery C). Comment on: "Adding value to CHEERS: new reporting standards for value of information analyses". Appl Health Econ Health Policy 2024;22:265-7.
- Kunst N, Siu A, Drummond M, Grimm S, et al (includes Rothery C). Reporting economic evaluations with value of information analyses using the CHEERS Value of Information (CHEERS-VOI) reporting guideline. Med Decis Making 2024;44:127-8.
- Kunst N, Wilson E, Tuffaha H, Jackson C, et al. Value of information: success stories. In: Heath A, Kunst N, Jackson C, editors. Value of information for healthcare decision-making. New York: Taylor & Francis; 2024. p. 193-205.
- Liu M, Woodman J, Mc Grath-Lone L, Clery A, et al (includes Weatherly HLA). Local area variation in health visiting contacts across England for children under age 5: a cross-sectional analysis of administrative data in England 2018-2020. Int J Popul Data Sci 2024;9:2382.
- Llewellyn A, Phung H, Soares MO, Beresford L, et al (includes Glynn D, Duarte AI). MRI software and cognitive fusion biopsies in people with suspected prostate cancer: a systematic review, network meta-analysis and cost-effectiveness analysis. Health Technol Assess 2024;28:61.
- Llewellyn A, Simmonds M, Marshall D, Harden M, Woods B, et al. Efficacy and safety of statins, ezetimibe and statins-ezetimibe therapies for children and adolescents with heterozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia: systematic review, pairwise and network meta-analyses of randomised controlled trials. Atherosclerosis 2024:118598.
- Longo F, Claxton KP, Griffin S, Mason AR, Walker SM, Weatherly HLA. Social decision-making analysis: a general approach to inform decisions on resources in the public sector. Value in Health 2024;27(7):823-829.
- Lordemus S, Kreif N, Moreno Serra R. Public financing during counterinsurgency efforts evidence from Colombia. Oxf Bull Econ Stat 2024.
- Lubbeke A, Cullati S, Barea C, Cole S, et al (includes Gutacker N). Development of a patient-centred tool for use in total hip arthroplasty. PLoS ONE 2024;19:e0307752.
- Mangal TD, Mohan S, Colbourn T, Collins JH, et al (includes Revill P). Assessing the effect of health system resources on HIV and tuberculosis programmes in Malawi: a modelling study. Lancet Glob Health 2024;12:e1638-e48.
- Matias MA, Jacobs R, Aragón MJ, Fernandes L, et al (includes Gutacker N, Kasteridis P). Assessing the uptake of incentivised physical health checks for people with serious mental illness: a cohort study in primary care. Br J Gen Pract 2024;74:e449-55.
- Matias MA, Santos R, Siciliani L, Sivey P, Proctor A. Socioeconomic inequalities in waiting times for breast cancer surgery. Health Econ 2024. 6
- Mazumdar S, Mataria A, Brennan R, Hajjeh R. Health system financing and resource allocation in humanitarian settings: toward a collaborative policy research agenda in the Eastern Mediterranean region. Value Health Reg Issues 2024;2024:20-3.
- McDaid D, Vidyasagaran AL, Nasir M, Walker S, et al. Understanding the costs and economic impact of mental disorders in South Asia: a systematic review. Asian J Psychiatr 2024;102:104239.
- McGuire F, Mohan S, Walker S, Nabyonga-Orem J, et al (includes Revill P). Adapting economic evaluation methods to shifting global health priorities: assessing the value of health system inputs. Value Health Reg Issues 2024;39:31-9.
- Miranda J, Morales Barahona O, Barahona Kruger A, Lagos P, Moreno Serra R. Central America and the Dominican Republic at crossroads: the importance of regional cooperation and health economic research to address current health challenges. Value Health Reg Issues 2024;39:107-14.
- Mohan S, Mangal TD, Colbourn T, Chalkley M, et al (includes Revill P, Tafesse W). Factors associated with medical consumable availability in level 1 facilities in Malawi: a secondary analysis of a facility census. Lancet Glob Health 2024;12:e1027-e37.
- Molaro M, Mohan S, She B, Chalkley M, et al (includes Revill P, Mangal TD). A new approach to Health Benefits Package design: an application of the Thanzi La Onse model in Malawi. PLoS Comput Biol 2024;20:e1012462.
- Moreno Serra R, Leon-Giraldo S, Jater-Maldonado N, Casas G, Bernal O. Trends in mental health before and after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic: a longitudinal survey of a conflict-affected population in Colombia. Int J Ment Health Syst 2024;18:4.
- Moreno Serra R, Ochoa Moreno I, Anaya-Montes M, Cardoso Fernandes L, et al. Healthcare access, quality and financial risk protection among displaced Venezuelan women living in Brazil: a cross-sectional study. Lancet Reg Health Am 2024.
- Mukherji A, Rao M, Desai S, Subramanian SV, et al. District-level monitoring of universal health coverage, India. Bull World Health Organ 2024;102:630-8B.
- Mukuria C, Franklin M, Hinde S. Mapping functions for the PHQ-9 and GAD-7 to generate EQ-5D-3L for economic evaluation. Eur J Health Econ 2024.
- Musiime V, Szubert AJ, Mujuru HA, Kityo C, et al (includes Zhang Y, Walker S). Second-line tenofovir alafenamide for children with HIV in Africa. medRxiv [Preprint] 2024.
- Nabyonga-Orem J, Kataika E, Rollinger A, Weatherly HLA. Research-to-policy partnerships for evidence-informed resource allocation in health systems in Africa: an example using the Thanzi programme. Value Health Reg Issues 2024;39:24-30.
- Nikolaidis G, Duarte AI, Griffin S, Lomas J. ’Beyond the mean’ in biomarkers modelling for economic evaluations: a case study in gestational diabetes mellitus. In: Baltagi BH, Moscone F, editors. Recent developments in health econometrics. Leeds: Emerald Publishing; 2024. p. 85-110.
- Northgraves M, Cohen J, Harvey J, Huang C, et al (includes Soares M). A randomised controlled trial of Pre-Operative Oncotype DX testing in early-stage breast cancer (PRE-DX study) - study protocol. PLoS One 2024;19:e0300339.
- Ochoa Moreno H, Moreno Serra R. Inequality in financial risk protection in health among displaced populations: the case of Venezuelan women in Brazil. SSM Health Syst 2024;3:100022.
- Ochoa Moreno H, Taheem R, Woods-Townsend K, Chase D, et al. Projected health and economic effects of the increase in childhood obesity during the COVID-19 pandemic in England: the potential cost of inaction. PLoS One 2024;19:e0296013.
- Palacios A, Espinola N, Gonzalez JM, Rojas-Roque C, et al. Budget Impact analysis of venetoclax for management of acute myeloid leukemia from the perspective of the social security and the private sector in Argentina. PLoS One 2024;19:e0295798.
- Pastore C, Rice N, Jones AM, Baltagi B, Moscone F. Tracking pupils into adulthood: selective schools and long-term human capital. In: Baltagi B, Moscone F, editors. Recent developments on health econometrics: a volume in honour of Andrew Jones. Leeds: Emerald; 2024.
- Patton T, Bőhnke J, Goyal R, Manca A, et al. Analyzing quality of life among people with opioid use disorder from the National Institute on Drug Abuse Data Share initiative: implications for decision making. Qual Life Res 2024;33:2783–96.
- Peek N, Hindricks G, Akbarov A, Tijssen JGP, et al (includes Manca A). Sudden cardiac death after myocardial infarction: individual participant data from pooled cohorts. Eur Heart J 2024:ehae326.
- Peek N, Stockton-Powdrell C, Casson A, Sperrin M, et al (includes Manca A). Applying team science to collaborative digital health research. In: Bichel-Findlay J, Otero P, Scott P, Huesing E, editors. Learnings from the wearable clinic: IOS Press; 2024. p. 374-8.
- Premji S, Griffin S. Assessing the health and welfare benefits of interventions using the Wider Societal Impacts framework. Value Health 2024;27:1479-87.
- Pymer S, Harwood AE, Prosser J, Ravindhran B, et al (includes Soares MO, Duarte AI). Identifying the most clinically effective exercise prescription for patients with intermittent claudication (MAXIMISE): a component network meta-analysis with concurrent cost-effectiveness analysis. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2024;3:CD015940.
- Racine N, Barriault S, Motz M, Leslie M, et al (includes Premji S). A comparative effectiveness study of the breaking the cycle and Maxxine Wright intervention programs for substance-involved mothers and their children: study protocol. BMC Psychol 2024;12:64.
- Racine N, Pitt T, Premji S, McDonald S, et al. Prevalence of common child mental health disorders using administrative health data and parent report in a prospective community-based cohort from Alberta, Canada. Can J Psychiatry 2024;69:768-77.
- Racine N, Premji S. Child poverty is on the rise in Canada, putting over 1 million kids at risk of life-long negative effects. In: The Conversation; 2024.
- Ramponi F, Ssennyonjo A, Banda S, Aliti T, et al (includes Griffin S, Revill P). Demands for intersectoral actions to meet health challenges in East and Southern Africa and methods for their evaluation. Value Health Reg Issues 2024;39:74-83.
- Rao M, Nkhoma D, Mohan S, Twea P, et al (includes Ochalek J, McGuire F, Woods B, Walker S, Sculpher M, Revill P). Using economic analysis to inform health resource allocation: lessons from Malawi. Discov Health Syst 2024;3:48.
- Rocha F, Montoya Diaz MD, Pereda P, Arabe I, et al (includes Moreno Serra R). COVID-19 and violence against women: current knowledge, gaps, and implications for public policy. World Development 2024;174:106461.
- Roman E, Howell D, Smith A, Crouch S, et al (includes Manca A, Bennett A). Pathways of patients with chronic haematological malignancies: a report from the UK’s population-based HMRN. Programme Grants for Applied Research 2024;12:3045553.
- Rothery C, Glynn D, Koffijberg H. Rapid value of information using minimal modelling. In: Heath A, Kunst N, Jackson C, editors. Value of information for healthcare decision-making. New York: Taylor & Francis; 2024. p. 220-8.
- Saenz De Miera Juárez B, Reynales-Shigematsu LM, Palacios AD, Bardach A, et al. Unlocking the power of tobacco taxation to mitigate the social costs of smoking in Mexico: a microsimulation model. Health Policy Plan 2024;39:902-15.
- Salas Ortiz A, Jones AM. Inequality of opportunity in the double burden of malnutrition in Mexico. Health Econ 2024;33:2342-80.
- Salas Ortiz A, Longo F, Claxton KP, Lomas J. Unpacking the care‐related quality of life effect of England's publicly funded adult social care. A panel data analysis. Health Econ 2024:hec.4907.
- Salas Ortiz A, Moreno Serra R, Kreif N, Suhrcke M, Casas G. The effect of conflict-related violence intensity and alcohol use on mental health: the case of Colombia SSM Popul Health 2024;25:101626.
- Salas-Ortiz A, Opuni M, Rodríguez-Atristain A, Figeroa JL, et al. Management practices in facilities providing HIV services to key populations in Kenya and Malawi: a descriptive analysis of management in community-based organizations. PLOS Glob Public Health 2024;4:e0002813.
- Scantlebury AL, Sivey P, Anteneh ZF, Ayres B, et al (includes Castelli A, Gutacker N, Wen J). Mixed Methods EvAluation of the high-volume low-complexity Surgical hUb pRogrammE (MEASURE) a mixed methods study protocol. BMJ Open 2024;14:e086338.
- Sharpe M, Walker J, van Niekerk M, Toynbee M, et al (includes Walker SM, Duarte AI). Proactive integrated consultation-liaison psychiatry and time spent in hospital by older medical inpatients in England (The HOME Study): a multicentre randomised controlled trial. Lancet Psychiatry 2024;11:684-95.
- She B, Mangal TD, Adjabeng AY, Colbourn T, et al (includes Mohan S, Revill P). The changes in health service utilisation in Malawi during the COVID-19 pandemic. PLoS One 2024;19:e0290823.
- She B, Mangal TD, Prust ML, Heung S, et al (includes Chalkley M, Mohan S, Revill P). Health workforce needs in Malawi: analysis of the Thanzi La Onse integrated epidemiological model of care. Hum Resour Health 2024;22:66.
- Sinha K, Gutacker N, Gu Y, Haagsma J, et al. Protocol for a longitudinal study examining the trajectory of COVID-19, post-COVID, multidimensional disadvantage and health-related quality of life in India: the IndiQol Project. BMJ Open 2024;14:e080985.
- Sivey P. Election 2024: how the parties differ on their approach to the NHS. In: The Conversation; 2024.
- Sivey P. NHS investment in tech, but what about basic equipment? . In: Budget 2024: experts explain what it means for taxpayers, businesses, borrowers and the NHS: The Conversation; 2024.
- Sivey P, Wen J. The effect of community diagnostic centres on volume and waiting time for diagnostic procedures in the UK. Health Policy 2024;147:105101.
- Spearing JM. The effect of retirement eligibility on mental health in the United Kingdom: heterogeneous effects by occupation. Health Econ 2024;33:1621-48.
- Spycher J, Morisod K, Moschetti K, Le Pogam MA, et al (includes Cookson R). Potentially avoidable hospitalizations and socioeconomic status in Switzerland: a small area-level analysis. Health Policy 2024;139:104948.
- Tafesse W, Chalkley MJ. The difference in clinical knowledge between staff employed at faith-based and public facilities in Malawi. Christian Journal for Global Health 2024;11:46-63.
- Tafesse W, Jemutai J, Mayora C, Margini F. Scoping review of health economics research on refugee health in Sub-Saharan Africa. Value Health Reg Issues 2024;39:98-106.
- Teitsson S, Brodtkorb TH, Kurt M, Patel MY, et al (includes Palmer S). Challenges, considerations, and approaches for developing a cost-effectiveness model for the adjuvant treatment of muscle-invasive urothelial carcinoma: with a spotlight on nivolumab versus placebo. J Med Econ 2024;27:473-81.
- Walton M, Bojke L, Simmonds M, Walker R, et al. Anti–vascular endothelial growth factor drugs compared with panretinal photocoagulation for the treatment of proliferative diabetic retinopathy: a cost-effectiveness analysis. Value Health 2024;27:907-17.
- Wen J, Santos R, Siciliani L, Proctor A. Socioeconomic inequalities in hospital access for prostate cancer before and after COVID-19. Socioecon Plann Sci 2024;94:101914.
- Woods B, Lomas J, Sculpher M, Weatherly HLA, Claxton KP. Achieving dynamic efficiency in pharmaceutical innovation: identifying the optimal share of value and payments required. Health Econ 2024;33:804-19.
- Woods B, Schmitt LHM, Jankovic D, Kearns B, et al (includes Rothery C, Bojke L, Sculpher M). Cefiderocol for treating severe aerobic Gram-negative bacterial infections: technology evaluation to inform a novel subscription-style payment model. Health Technol Assess 2024;28:1-238.
- Yaesoubi R, Kunst N. Net monetary benefit lines augmented with value-of-information measures to present the results of economic evaluations under uncertainty. Med Decis Making 2024;44:770-86.
- Zhang Y, Kreif N, Vijay S, Manca A. Machine learning methods to estimate individualised treatment effects for use in Health Technology Assessment. Med Decis Making 2024;44:756-69.
- Alcalde-Rabanal JE, Flores-Loera Y, Chivardi C, Ruelas-González MG, et al. Evaluation of health promotion program at the community level in Mexico: is the program efficient and effective? Journal of Public Health Management and Practice 2023;29(5):654-662. Download from JPHMP
- Alcaraz A, Adedeji A, Pichón-Riviere A, Amara Ekeruche M, et al (includes Palacios A). Estimating the effectiveness of health warnings on cigarette packaging in Nigeria: a modeling study. Nicotine and Tobacco Research 2023;25(11):1736-1743. Download from Oxford Academic
- Alcaraz A, Bardach AE, Espinola N, Perelli L, et al (includes Palacios A). Health and economic burden of disease of sugar-sweetened beverage consumption in four Latin American and Caribbean countries: a modelling study. BMJ Open 2023;13(2):e062809. Download from BMJ Journals
- Alcaraz A, Perelli L, Rodriguez MB, Palacios A, et al. What does our region need in order to strengthen public policies on sugar-sweetened beverages? Decision-makers’ dialogue. Revista Peruana de Medicina Experimental y Salud Publica 2023;40(1):86-93. Download from RPMESP
- Al-Jedai AH, Lomas J, Almudaiheem HY, Al-Ruthia YSH, et al (includes Ochalek J). Informing a cost-effectiveness threshold for Saudi Arabia. Journal of Medical Economics 2023;26(1):128-138. Download from Taylor & Francis
- Arundel CE, Welch C, Saramago Goncalves P, Adderley U, et al. A randomised controlled trial of compression therapies for the treatment of venous leg ulcers (VenUS 6): study protocol for a pragmatic, multicentre, parallel-group, three-arm randomised controlled trial. Trials 2023;24(1):357. Download from BMC
- Augustovski F, Bardach A, Santoro A, Rodriguez-Cairoli F, et al (includes Palacios A). Cost-effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccination in Latin America and the Caribbean: an analysis in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico, and Peru. Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation 2023;21:21. Download from BMC
- Augustovski F, Bardach A, Santoro A, Rodriguez-Cairoli F, et al (includes Palacios A). Publisher Correction: Cost-effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccination in Latin America and the Caribbean: an analysis in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico, and Peru. Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation 2023;21:56. Download from BMC
- Aviles-Peralta YA, Hernández Somarriba LL, Rojas-Roque C, Rodríguez E and Ríos-Castillo I. Level of knowledge about nutrition and its association with dietary practices and obesity among university students. Chilean Journal of Nutrition 2023;50(2):147-158. Download from SciELO
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