Finding solutions for perinatal loneliness in collaboration with people with lived and practitioner experience
The project aims to find solutions to the emotional, social and existential loneliness experienced by new and expecting parents.
About the project
The World Health Organisation’s Commission on Social Connection (2024-2026) argues that we urgently need to address loneliness because of its negative impact on health and well-being. The perinatal period carries an increased risk of loneliness for all parents that is elevated by intersectional inequalities, such as having a low income, being LGBTQ+, or from a minoritised community. Perinatal loneliness is linked with perinatal mental illness, which can have lasting negative impacts, yet little is known about the interventions currently available.
To address this gap, we reviewed and summarised the published academic literature that described interventions. We then talked to parents who felt lonely about their experiences and thoughts on what would have helped them in interviews and focus groups. We recruited two advisory groups to help develop the solutions. These advisory groups were formed of diverse parents with lived experiences, and health professionals including social workers and health visitors.
The review of interventions found six types of interventions that might help, including creative approaches, peer support and professional support.
The interviews with parents and professionals helped us develop three main recommendations for preventing loneliness. These were to:
1) Address structural issues, which include providing better financial support for parents, more parental leave, and to invest more in services and support.
2.) Address cultural issues, such as racism, homophobia and other discrimination. Also, to create a more family friendly culture in the UK including better public transport and more facilities for families.
3) Co-design inclusive services and support for all families, paying attention to the different needs of diverse families.
Contact us
Dr Ruth Naughton-Doe
Research Associate
+44 (0) 1904 321991
Related links
Research themes
This research project sits within the School for Business and Society's Mental Health and Social Research theme. Read more about our research themes.
There are three funded follow on projects.
October 2024-December 2026 - Supporting young women and young birthing LGBTQ+ people in the perinatal period: a realist evaluation of community-based services
Supporting perinatal young women
Creating a digital zine for LGBTQ+ parents and carers of children of any age
April-December 2024: codesigning a walking group for Perinatal Muslim women
NIHR Three Research Schools' Mental Health Research Fellowships, NIHR School for Primary Care Research, NIHR School for Public Health Research and NIHR School for Social Care Research
Project outputs:
Solutions to perinatal loneliness project report
Solutions to perinatal loneliness video
Social media
Instagram: @pn_loneliness
TikTok @DrruthND
Featured in/on:
Email ruth.naughton-doe@york.ac.uk to be added to the mailing list for the Perinatal Loneliness Research Group
Further information
For further information about the perinatal loneliness study, please visit the website:
October 2023 - June 2024
Contact us
Dr Ruth Naughton-Doe
Research Associate
+44 (0) 1904 321991
Related links
Research themes
This research project sits within the School for Business and Society's Mental Health and Social Research theme. Read more about our research themes.