We focus on social perspectives in mental health through a lifetime, from childhood to old age.

Mental health and wellbeing are among the most significant issues confronting society on a global scale. But mental health research is under-funded and the social, economic and cultural influences on mental health and wellbeing are under-researched.

We bring together researchers who investigate multiple aspects of people’s lives. Our research interests are diverse but can be grouped into four themes applied to mental health and wellbeing:

  • social determinants and outcomes
  • social and policy interventions
  • social networks and communities
  • care and support.

We conduct collaborative research at our International Centre for Mental Health Social Research, meeting the need for research into the social, economic and cultural factors that enhance mental wellbeing and support recovery from mental distress.

Theme lead

Contact us

Martin Webber
Professor of Social Work

+044 (0)1904 321203

Contact us

Martin Webber
Professor of Social Work

+044 (0)1904 321203