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The Wolfson Foundation has extended its funding for PhD scholarships at York

Posted on 10 August 2020

The Wolfson Foundation has extended its funding for PhD scholarships at York

The Wolfson Foundation has extended its funding for PhD scholarships at York for the forthcoming academic year. Only nine UK universities are chosen for the prestigious scheme, with a selection of participating institutions based on an independent review. The University of York is widely regarded as one of the leading humanities research institutions in the United Kingdom and is regularly ranked in the top 40 in the world.
The Foundation’s grant funds doctoral research in three broad areas of the humanities: history, literature, and languages.
A former scholar said: "The humanities teach us how to understand those around and contemplate ideas bigger than ourselves. Now more than ever, this kind of knowledge is incredibly important."

“The freedom and trust that the Wolfson Foundation affords its PhD students was something for which I am hugely grateful”, she said.

The Wolfson Foundation awards this funding to outstanding students who demonstrate the potential to make an impact on their chosen field. The generous scholarships cover tuition fees, a stipend, and research and training expenses. The new funding also includes provision for supporting students affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.