Early Career Research Fellowship applications

We are proud of our Department's record in hosting Early Career Research Fellows and in mentoring their applications for funding.

If you are interested in holding a Fellowship with us, please first contact the member of staff in the department who you would like to act as an academic mentor/supervisor for your project. They will advise on how to proceed.
Alternatively, you may make an enquiry by filling in the:
Fellowships Expression of Interest (MS Word , 32kb)
Please send to Victoria.gould@york.ac.uk with a copy to maths-research@york.ac.uk.

How can we help?

We can provide support for the development of your Fellowship application. This support can include:

  • arranging for discussions/meetings with appropriate academic staff
  • organising constructive comments from peer reviewers
  • arranging contact with specialists in intellectual property etc.
  • administrative support.

In some cases, we can also support visits to the Department to allow Fellowship applicants to spend focused time on developing their proposal in collaboration with both academic and administrative staff: this is via the York Mathematics Fellowship Development Bursary.

If you have any questions about holding a fellowship with our department, including advice on the structure of our research groups or eligibility, please contact: maths-research@york.ac.uk

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