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Intelligent systems

Understand our codependency with machines to tackle digital challenges.

Length Start date Led by In partnership with
Three weeks Available as a self-guided course. Computer Science FutureLearn

From Ada Lovelace until the first decade of this century, we have relied on expert computer programmers to design and write software. Now, a whole new branch of computer science called 'machine learning' is allowing computers to create their own software by learning from data. This is allowing us to solve problems that were previously too complex for humans to code.

In this course, we'll introduce you to 'deep learning', a form of machine learning that has provided performance breakthroughs across a whole host of areas. In addition to fundamental theory and techniques, you'll see how it can be used in applications such as face recognition, self-driving cars and robotics.

We'll also consider ethical implications, such as learning from personal or biased data, and trusting your safety to a learned system that no human can understand.

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