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Poetry: how to read a poem

Dive into the wonderful world of analysing poetry.

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Four weeks The latest taught course has already taken place, but you can still take a self-guided version. Simply sign up to start. English FutureLearn

Humans have communicated their thoughts, ideas, and feelings through poetry throughout history. At its best, it tells us new truths about the human experience. However, it’s often presented as hard to understand without expert knowledge.

On this course, you’ll build your confidence in reading and enjoying poetry.

Whether you’re a poetry fanatic or you’re eager to learn, you’ll learn tools for approaching the study of poetry, ways to express your appreciation of poetry, and ways to find new riches in your favourite poems.

This course will also give you guidance on developing your own poetic voice when writing verse.

Assessments (and subsequent certificates) are optional and carry a fee, with the exception of people with a York username for whom they are free.

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