Black Access
Black Access is a student-led initiative that supports the success of Black students currently studying at UK sixth forms or colleges. Black Access gives you the chance to discover more about living and learning at university, and in particular, how to thrive at the University of York in a safe and celebrated way.
Current University of York students have designed the Black Access programme to showcase their experiences as Black students in an honest and informative way. You will have lots of opportunities to ask questions and hear about their time at York.
We recognise that Black students are currently underrepresented at the University of York and we are making it our top priority to change this. By putting our current students front and centre, Black Access is embracing its mantra of “For Black Students, By Black Students”. The Student Team wants to recognise your uniqueness and support your development and journey over the coming years.
What's involved?
Joining the Black Access programme gives you the opportunity to join a community of other students from a Black background, and to:
- attend online and in person events and activities developed with current Black students, designed to give an honest, authentic experience of uni life
- develop skills and knowledge to support you in your current studies and when you transition to university
- get tailored support and mentorship during your further education studies
- ask current Black students about their experiences of studying and living at the University of York
Benefits of completing Black Access
Contact us
If you have questions about Black Access, feel free to get in touch.
Participants who successfully complete the Black Access programme could be considered for a guaranteed interview or offer to study at York.
If you receive an offer to study at the University of York, you will receive two offers: the standard offer and the alternative Widening Participation alternative offer which is up to three grades below the standard offer published in our prospectus.
If you're applying to study at Hull York Medical School, see the alternative offers section on their entry requirements page.
The alternative Widening Participation offer is conditional on the completion of our YorJourney module, which comes with a whole host of additional benefits that will support your transition to university life.
How to apply
Student applications for the Black Access programme are closed for the 2024/25 academic year.
You should meet all the essential criteria:
- From a Black background, such as Black African, Black Caribbean, Mixed or multiple ethnic groups (including Black heritage), or other Black background
- Achieved eight GCSE's (or equivalent) at grades A* to C, or 9 to 4, including English Language and Mathematics*
- The potential to achieve BCC or above at A Level (or equivalent)
- Currently in your first year of further education (such as Year 12, Level 3 or Year 1)
- Currently studying at a UK state (non fee paying) school, sixth form or college
- Completed Key Stage 4 (GCSEs or equivalent) in the UK**
- Completed Key Stage 3 and 4 at a state (non fee paying) school
We'll prioritise students who also meet any priority criteria:
- Experience of Public Care
- You are seeking asylum in the UK or granted refugee status
- Gypsy, Roma, Traveller, Showmen or Boater background
- Parent/carer/guardian(s) didn’t go to university or went as a mature student during your secondary education
- Household income below £50,778
- Entitled to, or were in receipt of, free school meals or discretionary payments at school/college
- You live in a neighbourhood with a low progression rate to uni
- School/college achieved below the national average
- Have a disability or long term health condition
- From a military or service family
- Estranged from parent/s
- Young carer
* We understand that grades alone do not reflect a person’s full potential. We will consider additional circumstances that adversely affected your personal life or education which impacted on your ability to achieve our GCSE criteria. Your school/college referee should reference this in support of your application. Please continue to submit an application or contact the Black Access team if you wish to discuss further.
** We understand circumstances may prevent some students from completing all of their Key Stage 4 studies in a UK school or college (particularly for pupils seeking asylum in the UK). We may be able to offer some flexibility on this criterion. Your school/college referee should reference this in support of your application. Please continue to submit an application or contact the Black Access team if you wish to discuss further.
Postcode checker
You can check if you live in a neighbourhood with a low progression rate to higher education by entering your full home postcode below.
Invalid postcode
Sorry, we don’t recognise that as a UK postcode. Please enter a valid UK postcode.
Unrecognised postcode
Sorry, we don’t have that postcode on record. If you're sure you've entered it correctly, please email outreach@york.ac.uk for help.
You don't meet this eligibility criteria
Based on the postcode you've provided, you do not live in a neighbourhood with a low progression rate to higher education.
You meet this eligibility criteria
Based on the postcode you've provided, you live in a neighbourhood with a low progression rate to higher education.
There was a problem with the postcode checker
Please email outreach@york.ac.uk for help.
Contact us
If you have questions about Black Access, feel free to get in touch.