Impact support
Research impact is the good that research does beyond academia.
The Faculty Impact Managers are able to advise academic staff on all aspects of research impact in the Arts and Humanities, from identifying, developing or capturing the impact of your research to presenting impact in funding bids.
Support for evaluating and recording evidence of impact is offered by the Faculty Impact Administrator. Get in touch with us today to find out how we can support you.
Contact us
Natalie Fullwood
Faculty Impact Manager
Zara Worth
Faculty Impact Manager
Lucy Cheseldine
Faculty Impact Administrator

Impact in grant applications
Research impact is becoming ever more important to research funders. Many require applications to address potential non-academic impact within their research proposals. Find out more about how we can support you with impact in grant applications.

Internal impact and KE funding
Internal funding is available for both knowledge exchange and impact activities related to Arts and Humanities research through two funding streams: The York Impact Accelerator Fund and the Place and Community Knowledge Exchange fund. Find out more about Internal impact and Knowledge Exchange funding.

Impact in the REF
Impact has been measured by the Research Excellence Framework (REF) since 2014, assessed through case studies at Unit of Assessment level. Find out more about impact in the REF and view past Arts and Humanities impact case studies. Specific information about REF 2029 and emerging impact case studies across the departments is also available. We are updating this page regularly.

Evaluating and evidencing impact
Evaluation is fundamental to making sure that activities you undertake with external partners and publics are achieving their goals. Read more about evaluating and evidencing impact, and the support we can offer.

Links and resources
A huge range of resources are available on the topics of impact, KE and public engagement. To help you navigate these, the HRC team has curated a collection of our favourite resources. These focus on kick-starting thinking about the potential impact of your research, and on providing tools for evaluating your activities and securing evidence of impact.
The University’s central Research impact webpages provide more information on impact, routes to impact, the University of York Impact Toolkit and lists of departmental Impact and Knowledge Exchange leads.
Contact us
Natalie Fullwood
Faculty Impact Manager
Zara Worth
Faculty Impact Manager
Lucy Cheseldine
Faculty Impact Administrator