Accessibility statement

Research impact

Changing the world beyond academia

Since its foundation, the University of York has conducted research with integrity and independence to influence the world beyond academia, benefiting the health, prosperity and wellbeing of people and society. The achievement of excellent non-academic impact from our research is one of our fundamental objectives.

UKRI have removed the requirement to provide a ‘Pathways to Impact’ plan or complete an ‘Impact Summary’ in grant submissions. See Impact in grant applications page for further information.

Research Impact: Creating Meaning and Value is an online learning resource available to all staff which covers the fundamentals of research impact. It is suitable for researchers and support staff at all career stages and with any level of previous experience.

The resource features interactive activities and examples from a breadth of research disciplines. You can dip in and out of the five modules whenever it suits you. The course is available for staff and PhD researchers.

Support for impact

Square signs

Support for impact

Impact at York


Policies and framework


REF Impact

Find out information about impact in REF (2021) 

Impact in Grants

Information about factoring impact into your research grant application 

Key contacts for Impact at York

University Impact Manager (Research Innovation and Knowledge Exchange directorate)

Arts and Humanities Impact Manager (HRC)

Job share Mon-Wed

Sciences Impact Manager

Social Sciences Impact Manager

For more contacts and support, see the Impact Support at York pages.