From the founding of our institution, the University of York has been committed to addressing social justice and inequalities. Sixty years on, our University Strategy to 2030 reaffirms our vision for York as a University for Public Good with “bold and creative thinking that changes lives for the better.”
The delivery of public good through our research impact is integral to our ambitions and strategies, as highlighted in our Research Strategy. We will address environmental, social, cultural and economic problems with compassion and rigour, locally, nationally and globally.
We will also embrace and support the breadth and diversity of routes to impact that flow from our knowledge generation and co-creation, recognising all scales of contribution along our pathways to impact.
REF Impact
Find out information about impact in REF (2021)
Impact in Grants
Information about factoring impact into your research grant application
University Impact Manager (Research Innovation and Knowledge Exchange directorate)
Arts and Humanities Impact Manager (HRC)
Job share Monday-Wednesday
Job share Wednesday-Friday
Sciences Impact Manager
Social Sciences Impact Manager
For more contacts and support, see the Impact Support at York pages.