Speak up and report racism

It's important that each of us takes responsibility for speaking up about racism when we encounter it, and reporting it if necessary.

Our Dignity at Work and Study policy outlines our commitment to creating a working, learning, social and living environment which is safe, inclusive and welcoming for everyone.

Be an active bystander

When you witness inappropriate behaviour or language, take the opportunity to speak up as an active bystander. Find out what this might mean for you:

Report racism and racist incidents

  • If you are a student and experience racism yourself or witness racism towards another student, report it using the University's Report + Support tool
  • If you are a staff member and you experience racism yourself or witness racism towards another staff member, report this to Human Resources.

Contact us

Equality and Diversity Office

+44 (0)1904 324680

Contact us

Equality and Diversity Office

+44 (0)1904 324680