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An Introduction to Multiple Correspondence Analysis

21-23 September 2011, Wentworth College, University of York


In the social sciences, multiple correspondence analysis (MCA) is a statistical technique that allows the visualisation of complex data sets. It became known in sociology through the work of the late Pierre Bourdieu (1930-2002) as a means of mapping social spaces and fields (most famously in his book Distinction). The method is now becoming increasingly popular for types of 'cultural mapping' (for example, Bennett et al, Culture, Class Distinction) and continues to appeal to those with specific interests in Pierre Bourdieu's sociology. However, the method is also widely used in a variety of disciplines, for instance in psychology and political science, and is also relatively easy to use through using the SPAD package.

mca image

This course is designed for post graduate students, post-doctoral researchers, academic staff, and both public sector and commercial researchers who wish to become acquainted with the fundamental properties, procedures and rules of interpretation of the most commonly used forms of correspondence analysis, i.e. simple correspondence analysis (CA) and MCA, and also to the most commonly used software. Students are not expected to be acquainted with MCA at the outset. Students will be expected to have a basic knowledge of quantitative analysis, and of standard social science packages for statistical analysis (e.g. SPSS).

Lecturers: Dr  Laurie Hanquinet, University of York; Prof Johs Hjellbrekke, University of Bergen; Dr Henk Roose, University of Ghent; Prof Mike Savage, University of York

Enrolment and costs

The cost will be £375 at the full rate and £275 for concessions the three days (including refreshments and lunches). For those wishing to stay residential (also including 3 nights’ accommodation at the University of York) the costs will be £500 at the full rate and £400 for concessions. We can only accept 20 participants and places will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.

Those interested in attending should contact Josine Opmeer at

Short Course Booking Form mca application form (MS Word , 26kb)

Debit Credit Card Form Debit credit card form (MS Word , 20kb)