The University’s approach to programme design is built around five key principles and incorporates five strategic priorities. These are outlined below with links to supporting resources.
From the academic year 2023-24 onwards, the majority of programmes at the University have been structured into two semesters per academic year. They are (with the exception of dissertation/project modules) made up of 20-credit modules taught within one semester.
Effective programme design requires a clear framework of programme leadership and team-working. This ensures that the design and assessment of individual modules makes the most effective contribution to learning in the context of the programme. All staff who teach should contribute to the design of learning and teaching, but for every programme of study there should be a named individual who has primary responsibility for the programme as experienced by students. Every programme will have a single leader, although a single person can lead more than one programme. The programme leader will be a departmental appointment and should be supported in their role by a programme team comprising appropriate teaching and support staff.
The programme leader will be invested with the authority to fulfil responsibilities in the following areas:
One of the main predictors of educational engagement and significant learning gain is the degree to which students understand the coherence of their programme and have clear objectives. Thus, programme Specifications at the University require a concise Statement of Purpose and a focused set of 6-8 Programme Learning Outcomes (PLOs).
This clarity of purpose and manageable set of outcomes enables shared understanding of the focus of each programme and allows staff to communicate clearly how each programme is designed to support the progressive achievement of its intended outcomes. Shared understanding of the relationship between a programme and its modules can be strengthened through programme maps, providing information on how assessment, student work and contact time with staff are organised within and between modules to achieve development towards the PLOs.
See the following link for guidance on how to write Statements of Purpose and Programme Learning Outcomes.
The following articles and reports provide guidance on key overarching considerations in designing and mapping programmes:
Threshold Concepts and Troublesome Knowledge: a short introduction and bibliography
A summary of the main concepts, research articles, books, podcasts and links to discipline specific resources.
Quality Enhancement Themes: the first year experience – an Enhancement Themes Report
Key findings from the literature are presented in this report. They include the need to adopt student-centred active learning strategies and the importance of providing early formative feedback to students. This is considered in terms of developing an effective programme curriculum.
Dissertations and Capstone Projects: A Selected Bibliography (Mike Healy)This is a comprehensive, HEA sponsored study of the value of Final Year Project and Dissertations (FYPDs) and how they can be incorporated into undergraduate degree programmes. This book raises key issues about the defining characteristics of higher education, how the final-year curriculum should exemplify these through the design of FYPD and illustrates innovative and creative ways of developing FYPDs through 70 case studies.
Pedagogy for employability: (Higher Education Academy) This is a resource for teaching staff to review and develop their own understanding of employability. The material could be used to provide a springboard for development by looking at the pedagogy of employability in terms of curriculum design, delivery and assessment, with examples and case studies (particularly Section 5). Advance HE has also published the following Framework for Embedding Employability in Higher Education.
Assessment remains located within individual modules but effective programme design aims to ensure that summative assessment is designed coherently and collectively across the whole programme. Summative assessment of modules should reflect the stage of development of the Programme Learning Outcomes (PLOs) through each year of study, capture learning and support students’ progressive achievement of these concepts and skills in the most effective way. This means that the assessment is:
Programme teams need to ensure their summative assessment practices align with the PLOs, the designed Student Work and the agreed Staff-Student Contact pattern. For example, the nature and timing of assessment should be designed to evaluate and make the most effective contribution to student learning at that particular point in the programme, in relation to the progressive development of programme learning outcomes.
The ‘assessment and feedback’ page provides an overview of resources. The programme design page also includes ideas for how programme-level assessment can be developed from modular assessments such as Final Year Projects and Dissertations (FYPDs) and portfolio assessment.
ASKe - the Assessment Standards Knowledge exchange - Pedagogy Research Centre
ASKe was established as a Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) based at Oxford Brookes University Business School. ASKe has produced significant research in the area of HE assessment, marking and feedback and numerous resources.
The PASS Project (Programme Assessment Strategies)
Funded by the HE Academy's NTFS project strand, this project aimed to confront the fundamental issue of how to design an effective, efficient, inclusive and sustainable assessment strategy which delivers the key course/programme outcomes.
Sustainable Assessment and evaluative judgement
The concepts of sustainable assessment and evaluative judgement are based on the proposition that assessment must support learning. More than this, it must support the processes of learning that students need beyond the point of graduation. This means that our conception of assessment needs to move beyond that of testing what has been taught, or measuring learning outcomes, to encompass one that builds the capacity of students to be effective assessors for themselves and for others.
Re-Engineering Assessment Practices in Scottish Higher Education (REAP)
Shared Understanding and Assessment Literacy
Putting student work (both individual and group) at the centre of effective programme design identifies student activity as the defining process of learning, rather than classes or summative assessments. This approach is inspired by educational research which shows that increasing student time on tasks and active student engagement in their learning maximises educational gain. Effective programme design should give explicit attention to all aspects of student work which supports learning, ie independent study as well as contact with teaching staff.
Research shows that the effectiveness of student private study is correlated with learning gain, highly variable between students, and often capable of significant improvement, even for the best students. Students often use inefficient private study methods such as re-reading and massed practice. By contrast, carefully-designed student work can yield deep learning by demanding sustained effort, spaced and interleaved practice, retrieval of previously-learned material, structure building (extracting salient ideas and constructing a coherent mental framework), collaboration and development of transferable skills (Gibbs, 2007; Roediger et al, 2012). With sound learning methods embedded in student work, students who study for longer learn more. In addition, forms of student engagement such as peer tutoring, peer assessment, planned debate tasks and problem-based learning can facilitate the type of cooperation highlighted as one of the seven principles of good quality higher education (Chickering and Gamson – see Resources).
Designing student work therefore involves designing independent study and formative work which demands engagement of a high standard and draws on appropriate resources to propel student learning to the achievement of the PLOs.
Chickering and Gamson’s seven principles of good quality higher education
Freeman et al - Active learning - student performance in science, engineering, and mathematics
Effective practice design for directed independent learning
Ken Bain (Author) - What the best college teachers do
Roediger, H.L., Smith, M.A., Putnam, A.L., (2012) Ten benefits of testing and their applications to educational practice. In Mestre, J, Ross, B.H., Psychology of Learning and Motivation, Sand Diego: Elsevier Academic Press.
The quality of contact between academics and students is a key factor in supporting learning. Traditional ‘contact hours’ in lectures, seminars and labs, and asynchronous interaction, eg through electronic forums, all have their place, but timely and targeted close contact, for example to give feedback on student work, is particularly effective as this is associated with greater educational gains independent of class contact hours (Trigwell, 2003). In addition, the majority of student time is spent outside of contact hours (Brennan et al, 2009) so it is vital that these contact hours are designed to encourage, inform and propel students’ work through which they will learn.
Effective programme design seeks to maximise the value of students’ ‘contact time’ with staff (which may be face-to-face, virtual, synchronous or asynchronous) through more effective design of contact events, independent study, learning resources, student assignments and feedback, and the alignment of all of these with programme learning outcomes. This will also enable more efficient and productive use of staff time.
For example, some material could be covered outside scheduled events, perhaps supported by online resources or asynchronous activities, to enable different types of interactions in class which are more engaging for students and staff. There may also be ways to enhance students’ ability to optimise their use of supervision and other sources of personal support. This will ensure that students’ independent study is directed to maximise its contribution to effective learning.
Brennan, J., Patel, K. and Tang, W. (2009) Diversity in the student learning experience and time devoted to study: a comparative analysis of the UK and European evidence. Bristol: HEFCE.
Pascarella, E.T. and Terenzini, P. (2005) How college affects students
Trigwell, K. and Ashwin, P. (2004) Undergraduate students’ experience of Learning at the University of Oxford. Oxford: Oxford Learning Institute.
The University has identified the following priorities for programme design:
Ensuring effective opportunities for all students to develop the skills they need for employment and further study. Embedding employability in the curriculum means that all students have equal access to support and development opportunities.
Recommended employability activity for integration with curriculum
Inclusive teaching, learning and assessment is an approach which recognises, reflects and celebrates the diverse backgrounds, experiences and identities of our student body. It gives all students the opportunity to fully take part in the University of York community, and to flourish in their academic studies. This includes designing an inclusive curriculum and inclusive assessment approaches; with consideration of how to create a sense of community and belonging for all students as part of teaching and learning.
The Inclusive-Learning @York web pages cover five thematic areas related to inclusive learning, teaching and assessment as follows:
Inclusive Curriculum; Inclusive Learning and Teaching Approaches; Accessibility of Learning, Teaching and Assessment; Academic Communities of Staff and Students; Co-construction, Students as Partners and Student Voice.
The pages provide guidance and reflective questions related to each theme and are a useful source for programme, module and assessment design.
Interdisciplinary modules can be informed by themes of social justice and inclusion. Interdisciplinary modules enable students to explore different perspectives, based on their own areas of interest.
Inclusive teaching, learning and assessment is an approach which recognises, reflects and celebrates the diverse backgrounds, experiences and identities of our student body. It gives all students the opportunity to fully take part in the University of York community, and to flourish in their academic studies. This includes designing an inclusive curriculum and inclusive assessment approaches; with consideration of how to create a sense of community and belonging for all students as part of teaching and learning.
The Inclusive-Learning @York web pages cover five thematic areas related to inclusive learning, teaching and assessment as follows:
Inclusive Curriculum; Inclusive Learning and Teaching Approaches; Accessibility of Learning, Teaching and Assessment; Academic Communities of Staff and Students; Co-construction, Students as Partners and Student Voice.
The pages provide guidance and reflective questions related to each theme and are a useful source for programme, module and assessment design.
Decolonising and diversifying the curriculum offers the opportunity to recognise and explore global issues of environmental and social justice, for example by recognising the disproportionate impact of climate change on the global south.