The York Local Plan

News | Posted on Thursday 9 March 2023

The York Local Plan and a plan for good ground for Gypsies and Travellers.

York Travellers Trust and York Law School invite YOU to an event on Saturday, 18th March to discuss the York Local Plan. We must act now  to ensure safe, sustainable, culturally appropriate homes for the Gypsy, Traveller and Boat Dwelling Communities of York.

The rich cultural tapestry of the historic city of York is woven deeply through with the many bright threads of its travelling communities. From the tradespeople and warriors who first arrived here by boat on the Great River Ouse to the long and colourful history of the Ebor Races; almost everywhere we go in York, we see evidence of the strong, proud, cultural knowledge and traditions of Gypsies, Travellers, and Boat People.

But right now, after more than 60 years in the making, York City Council is undertaking a final consultation on modifications to the Local Plan. York Travellers Trust has grave concerns about the Plan for Gypsy and Traveller sites. If the Plan goes ahead as it is proposed, we stand to lose all of the wealth these communities have to offer this City in the future and condemn ourselves instead to decades of conflict and social exclusion.

With one small tweak the York Local Plan could re-establish York as a leading light towards a culturally rich, diverse and sustainable future for this country; and properly earn its name as a living example of a sustainable, progressive, Human Rights City.

The event will take place in the Law and Sociology Building, from 10.30 – 16.00, and online participants are also welcomed. Details for finding the building and maps and parking are on the University website. Do feel free to attend for parts of the day only and to bring children. The event is FREE and refreshments will be provided by York Law School.


10.30 - Welcome: coffee and tea

10.45 - Introduction to the day.

11.00 – Speakers, Q and A and Group Discussion including:

  • Violet Cannon, on ‘Who are York’s Gypsy and Traveller Communities?’
  • Abbie North on a vision for positive Traveller planning
  • Caroline Hunter on the role on Equality Act and Human Rights Act

12.30 - 13.15 – Lunch

13.15 – Small group activities to tease out your visions and comment on the York Plan

14.45 - Plenary - feed-back from the groups.

15.45 - Summing-up of the day

16.00 – Close

Please contact  if you are planning to attend online or in person.

Many Thanks
