2024 events
View our past events.
Mishel Ghassibe - Intertemporal Pass-Through (iPT)
Mishel Ghassibe (et al) study intertemporal pass-through (iPT): the sensitivity of firms’ prices to changes in their expected future marginal costs
SEMINAR: Kenichi Nagasawa presents 'Treatment Effect Estimation with Noisy Conditioning Variables'
Kenichi Nagasawa's paper discusses developing a new identification strategy for treatment effects when noisy measurements of unobserved confounding factors are available.
Dmitry Mukhin - How Good is International Risk Sharing?
The paper revisits whether global output is (Pareto) efficiently distributed across countries over time.
SEMINAR: Optimal Allocation Strategies in a Discrete-Time Two-Armed Bandit Problem
Audrey Hu's study addresses a theoretic-bandit problem involving a "safe" and a "risky" armacross countable periods.
SEMINAR: Strategic Ignorance and Information Design
The authors study information design in strategic settings when agents can publicly refuse to viewtheir private signals.
SEMINAR: Comparisons of Signals with Emir Kamenica (Chicago)
Emir will be presenting the paper “Comparison of Signals” (see abstract below) in which he studies the comparison of signals beyond the usual “Blackwell” comparisons.
2nd Durham – York Biannual Macroeconomics Workshop
2nd Durham – York Biannual Macroeconomics Workshop
ECONOMETRICS SEMINAR: Synthetic Control via Random Forest
Zhijie Xiao's paper investigates robust inference procedures for treatment effects in panel data with flexible relationship across units via the random forest method.
SEMINAR: Strategic Bureaucratic Opacity: Evidence from Death Investigation Laws and Police Killings
Stephen Kastoryano's paper reveals how police departments exploit specific laws surrounding death investigations to facilitate the underreporting of police killings.
Follow the Money: How much does Britain cost?
Paul Johnson explores UK economy costs, government spending impact on welfare, education, health, and future prospects.