Accounting and Finance
Our group is always aiming to achieve excellence in research and teaching for our students and colleagues, the School and wider University. We have a reputation for friendly and supportive high quality diligence and delivery.
Heads of Group: Professor Alexander McNeil, Dr Helena Pinto
We are an outward-looking group with a great community feel. Whether you are an academic, practitioner, current student or potential student who is interested in what we are doing, you are very welcome to email or call anyone in the group at any time.
Related links
We are engaged in a diverse range of accounting and finance research, much of which has a connection to risk. We subscribe to Datastream and CRSP/Compustat databases.
- Risk disclosure
- Financial performance and disclosure practices
- Development of accounting professions
- Risk management and risk culture
- Accounting history and accounting education
- Public sector procurement
- Stock market forecasts
- CEO overconfidence
- Stock market inefficiency
- Investment under uncertainty
- Structural change tests and behavioural macroeconomics
- High frequency trading
- IPOs
- Bubbles
- Timing games
- Quantitative risk management for Solvency II
- Valuation of complex insurance liabilities
- Model validation
- Extreme risks and correlated risks
- Monte Carlo methods
- Time to event models
Impact and engagement
We have close links with professional accounting bodies and other related organisations. We have contributed to thought leadership projects in risk management and risk culture for the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) and the Institute for Risk Management (IRM) respectively.
We were also instrumental in assisting students in setting up the Griff Fund Investment Society. The first student-led university investment fund in the UK, the society received £10,000 sponsorship from Paul Griffiths, a University of York alumnus and City investor, with which to make real money investments and offer invaluable experience of real-world investment management. All profits are donated to student bursaries and societies.
European Risk Research Network
The European Risk Research Network (ERRN) was established in 2006 with the aim of stimulating cross-disciplinary research in the area of risk management and providing an exceptional training ground for the next generation of academic researchers, regulators and practitioners.
Professor Philip Linsley is the current ERRN coordinator.
We have a reputation for high-quality teaching. We are committed to ensuring students are able to fully understand all aspects of the technically-demanding subjects of accounting, finance and actuarial science to the highest level.
- Accounting, Business Finance and Management (BSc)
- Accounting, Business Finance and Management (with a year in industry) (BSc)
- Actuarial Science (BSc)
- Actuarial Science (with a year in industry) (BSc)

Doctoral research
We welcome PhD applications in any of our research areas or allied to our related research interests.
PhD students
Our students are investigating a huge range of topics in accounting and finance.
Featured students
Khalsa is researching auditors' professional scepticism, which is an important and currently debated aspect of audit quality. Her research investigates the relationship between auditors' scepticism and their moral reasoning, using questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. Combining interviews with UK audit practitioners and regulators with larger-scale survey data, this study provides an insight into current audit practice.
Khalsa Al-Akhzami
Zhen's research looks at financial markets and corporate finance. He focuses on the role of gold in financial markets, trying to understand whether gold can serve as a safe haven, or a hedge for stock market risk. He uses the Capital Asset Pricing Model remodelled using a Markov-switching model.
Zhen He