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Academic progress: taught students

Students listening to a lecture

The progress of a student on their course may be impeded for a variety of reasons. Advice on how to support potential interruptions to academic progress is given below.

Leave of absence

A leave of absence allows a student to take an authorised break in their studies for a maximum of one calendar year in the first instance.

Extension of enrolment

A programme extension can be recommended where a student cannot complete the programme within the normal timescale (usually nine or twelve terms).

Transfer of programme

A student may request to transfer from one programme to another at any time during their studies but this happens most commonly during or at the end of the first year. 

Withdrawing from programme, and Termination/assumed withdrawals

Withdrawal is the term we use where students decide to permanently leave the university prior to completion of the award for which they are registered, for either personal or academic reasons.

Who to contact

Changing from full-time to part-time, or part-time to full-time

Students may switch from the part-time attendance mode to the full-time and vice versa where needed.

Support to study

The Support to study policy applies to situations where there are concerns that a student is not well enough to study, including situations where a student is unaware that they are not well enough to study.

Academic misconduct

Forms and procedures when a student is suspected of academic misconduct.