Departmental Management Team
The Departmental Management Team (DMT) supports the Head of Department (HoD) in the development and implementation of the overall strategic, academic and financial plans of the department.
DMT maintains an overview of the Department’s key areas of activity and makes decisions to ensure that the department operates effectively and succeeds in its strategic goals, securing the ongoing financial sustainability of the department.

Research interests:
- Sociology of health
- Regulation of bioscience
- Classical/contemporary social theory

Research interests:
- Death Studies
- Popular Culture and Celebrity
- Cultural Criminology
- Pedagogy (the method and practice of teaching)

Research interests:
- Sociology of health and illness
- Sociology of disability
- Health inequalities

Research interests:
- Politics of expertise concerning reproductive and other new life science technologies
- The construction of human/non-human boundaries
- The sociological study of the healthcare profession
- Feminist theory

Research interests:
- Domestic
- Gender
- Class
- Gambling
- Consumption

Research interests:
- Culture
- Music consumption
- Digital technologies
- Materiality
- Popular culture heritage