Tim Andrews Professor
01904 324356 timothy.andrews@york.ac.uk
cognitive neuroscience, computational modelling, face perception and recognition, fMRI, social perception, visual perception, |
Daniel Baker Professor
01904 322887 daniel.baker@york.ac.uk
auditory perception, body perception, computational modelling, EEG, fMRI, MEG, visual perception, |
Nick Barraclough Senior Lecturer
01904 323141 nick.barraclough@york.ac.uk
body perception, cognitive neuroscience, emotion, face perception and recognition, social perception, visual perception |
Heidi Baseler Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor)
01904 322862 heidi.baseler@york.ac.uk
cognitive aging, cognitive neuroscience, EEG, fMRI, visual perception, visual system plasticity, visual deficits, hearing loss, peripheral vision, effects of COVID-19/long COVID |
Alex Benjamin Senior Lecturer
01904 324367 alex.benjamin@york.ac.uk
Paul Bishop Professor Director of Teaching & Learning Deputy Head of Department - Teaching
01904 322915 paul.bishop@york.ac.uk
Mike Burton Professor
01904 323140 mike.burton@york.ac.uk
computational modelling, face perception and recognition, cognition |
Scott Cairney Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor)
01904 322863 scott.cairney@york.ac.uk
sleep, emotion, mental health, memory, cognitive neuroscience, cognitive development, cognition, emotion |
Thomas Davies Associate Lecturer
01904 322861 thomas.davies@york.ac.uk
Angela De Bruin Senior Lecturer
01904 322868 angela.debruin@york.ac.uk
cognitive neuroscience, communication and social interaction, language and literacy, semantic cognition, cognitive ageing, executive control |
Dan Denis Lecturer
Robert Dudley Professor
Karla Evans Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor)
01904 324601 karla.evans@york.ac.uk
visual awareness, attention, crossmodal perception, medical image perception, visual episodic memory |
Melanie Forster Senior Lecturer
01904 323295 melanie.forster@york.ac.uk
developmental disorders, clinical psychology, social and emotional development, emotional resilience, therapeutic writing, empowerment, self-awareness, mental health |
Gareth Gaskell Professor
Deputy Head of Department - Professional & Personal Development
01904 323187 gareth.gaskell@york.ac.uk
cognitive neuroscience, developmental disorders, language and literacy, memory, psycholinguistics, sleep, |
Elena Geangu Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor)
01904 322865 elena.geangu@york.ac.uk
infancy, emotion, social development
Silvia Gennari Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor)
01904 322877 silvia.gennari@york.ac.uk
language, cognition, cognitive neuroscience |
Karisha George Associate Lecturer
cross cultural psychology, mental health, resilience, student learning; student belonging; minoritised student experiences |
Silke Göbel Professor
01904 322872 silke.goebel@york.ac.uk
cognitive neuroscience, cognitive development, cross cultural psychology, developmental disorders, EEG, fMRI, numerical cognition, mathematical development, spatial-numerical associations, interventions |
Lusine Grigoryan Lecturer
01904 321035 lusine.grigoryan@york.ac.uk
cross cultural psychology, political psychology, social behaviour, social perception, prejudice, intergroup conflict and cooperation, social identity |
Tom Hartley Senior Lecturer
01904 322903 tom.hartley@york.ac.uk
spatial cognition including navigation, memory and scene processing, short-term verbal memory, models of neural representation, fMRI |
Emma Hayiou-Thomas Senior Lecturer
01904 324360 emma.hayiou-thomas@york.ac.uk
language development, literacy, disorders |
Lisa Henderson Professor
Head of Department psychology-hod@york.ac.uk
01904 324362 lisa-marie.henderson@york.ac.uk
cognitive neuroscience, communication and social interaction, cognitive development, developmental disorders, EEG, executive control, language and literacy, memory, mental health, psycholinguistics, sleep, social and emotional development, working memory, |
Amanda Hickey Associate Lecturer
01904 322909 amanda.hickey@york.ac.uk
developmental disorders, language and literacy, memory, psycholinguistics, neurodiversity |
Hannah Hobson Senior Lecturer
01904 323142 hannah.hobson@york.ac.uk
communication and social interaction, developmental disorders, emotion, language and literacy, clinical psychology, social and emotional development |
Aidan Horner Professor
01904 324603 aidan.horner@york.ac.uk
cognitive aging, cognitive neuroscience, computational modelling, cognitive development, decision-making, fMRI, MEG, memory, sleep, spatial navigation, virtual reality, episodic memory, forgetting, schemas |
Bailey House Senior Lecturer
01904 322879 bailey.house@york.ac.uk
Clara Humpston Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Mental Health
01904 321042 clara.humpston@york.ac.uk
phenomenological psychopathology, cognitive neuropsychiatry, computational psychiatry, belief formation, psychopharmacology, novel therapies, mental health |
Becky Jackson Lecturer
cognitive neuroscience, computational modelling, cognitive development, executive control, fMRI, language and literacy, MEG, semantic cognition, working memory, connectivity |
Emma James Lecturer
01904 322913 emma.james@york.ac.uk
cognitive development, developmental disorders, language and literacy, memory, psycholinguistics, sleep, |
Beth Jefferies Professor
01904 324368 beth.jefferies@york.ac.uk
attention, cognitive aging, cognitive neuroscience, communication and social interaction, decision-making, emotion, executive control, fMRI, language and literacy, MEG, memory, mental health, psycholinguistics, semantic cognition, experience sampling, brain states. connectivity, cortical organisation |
Rob Jenkins Professor
01904 323144 rob.jenkins@york.ac.uk
attention, communication and social interaction, decision-making, social perception, human risk |
Kenji Kobayashi Lecturer
cognitive neuroscience, computational modelling, decision-making, fMRI, social behaviour, |
Chelsea Leadley Associate Lecturer
mental health, online behaviour, emotional self-disclosure, suicide, social media |
Sven Mattys Professor
01904 323145 sven.mattys@york.ac.uk
attention, auditory perception, cognitive neuroscience, language and literacy, psycholinguistics, working memory, speech |
Cade McCall Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor)
01904 322866 cade.mccall@york.ac.uk
emotion, social interaction, psychophysiology, threat, decision-making, autonomous systems |
Fiona McNab Lecturer
01904 322874 fiona.mcnab@york.ac.uk
attention, cognitive aging, cognitive neuroscience, cognitive development, developmental disorders, executive control, fMRI, memory, working memory, video gaming, cognitive training |
Elizabeth Meins Professor
01904 324602 elizabeth.meins@york.ac.uk
cognitive development, cross cultural psychology, mental health, social and emotional development, mind-mindedness. |
Tony Morland Professor
01904 322860 antony.morland@york.ac.uk
MaryAnn Noonan Lecturer
01904 321037 maryann.noonan@york.ac.uk
attention, cognitive neuroscience, comparative psychology, computational modelling, cognitive development, decision-making, EEG, executive control, fMRI, MEG, mental health, social behaviour, learning |
Harriet Over Professor Deputy Head of Department - Research
01904 322906 harriet.over@york.ac.uk
communication and social interaction, cognitive development, social and emotional development, social behaviounoor, social perception |
Gavin Phillips Reader
01904 323174 gavin.phillips@york.ac.uk
Alex Pike Lecturer
01904 323578 alex.pike@york.ac.uk
clinical psychology, cognitive neuroscience, computational modelling, decision-making, mental health, computational psychiatry; eating disorders; anxiety disorders |
David Pitcher Senior Lecturer
01904 322864 david.pitcher@york.ac.uk
body perception, cognitive neuroscience, emotion, face perception and recognition, visual perception, |
Catherine Preston Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor)
01904 322910 catherine.preston@york.ac.uk
body perception, cognitive neuroscience, clinical psychology,mental health |
Philip Quinlan Professor
01904 323135 philip.quinlan@york.ac.uk
visual cognition, attention and performance, short-term memory, number processing, computational modelling, attention, decision-making, memory, numerical cognition, visual perception, computational modelling |
Sally Quinn Professor
01904 323655 sally.quinn@york.ac.uk
Alex Reid Senior Lecturer
01904 323169 alex.reid@york.ac.uk
Sleep, learning, memory consolidation
Miles Rogish Associate Lecturer
01904 322878 miles.rogish@york.ac.uk
Katie Slocombe Professor
01904 322905 katie.slocombe@york.ac.uk
communication and social interaction, social and emotional development,comparative psychology, cross cultural psychology |
Scarlett Syme Tutor in Psychology / PhD Student
Layla Unger Lecturer
attention, computational modelling, cognitive development, language and literacy, memory, psycholinguistics, semantic cognition, working memory, category learning or categorisation |
Maurice Waddle Lecturer
communication and social interaction,political psychology |
Alex Wade
01904 323171 07427 432364
David Zendle Senior Lecturer