Masterclass presentation: Lessons learned on Circular Economy from South America
Event details
Flex has created one of the most complete industrial ecosystems for Circular Economy in Brazil. Its pioneering circular manufacturing processes are making the information technology industry greener and more sustainable by using recycled material from electronic waste to manufacture new products in the same industrial complex. Sinctronics has been changing the production process from the end to the (re)start. New electronics design is optimized by experiences gathered from recycling, repairing and manufacturing operations. We continually invest in our manufacturing, design, sourcing,reverse logistics, repair, refurbishment, recycling and operations to offer customers end-to-end visibility throughout their products’ life-cycles to maximize the value of materials and components and to minimize environmental impact.
This masterclass series on Circular Economy is a collaboration between the University of York Management School and the Local Enterprise Partnership.
Carlos Ohde and Leandro Santos, Flex, Brazil
Carlos Ohde (Sr Innovation Director) is responsible for R&D and Sustainability. He believes that technology will create solutions tospeed up our transition to a circular model.
Leandro Santos (VP Operations) is responsible for the complete ecosystem. He believes that 5th industrial revolution will focus not only on technology and individuals, but on the entire society and environment.