Statistics and probability
The Statistics and Probability Group has broad research interests spanning statistical methodology and theoretical probability, with applications in multiple fields from finance to biology.
Statistics and probability are fundamental to making sense of data and quantifying uncertainty in the world around us. Our research uses rigorous mathematical theory to shed light on hidden patterns and to help make predictions about the future.
We promote an active and collaborative research environment. Our distinctive strength lies in our developed research collaborations with other academic departments – both at York (Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Psychology) and further afield – and with scientific industries such as Fera.
Much of our research focuses on problems that fall within the four areas identified below. We welcome PhD applications for a variety of topics in our field: specific research interests of each group member, along with any PhD projects they may be willing to supervise, can be found on their individual web pages.
Research areas
- Tara Broughton
- Dingjia Cao
- Zane Hassoun
- Peiyun Hu
- Cixiao Jiang
- Junxuan Jiang
- Lisa Readdy
- India Richmond
- Maddie Shelley
- Haoxuan Zhang
- Ziheng Zhang