So pleased to be back together again
Last week saw the first gathering of the York Haematology Support Group since covid.

Getting back to business
Carol Miller led proceedings, catching everyone up on news of group members, clarification around eligibility for free covid tests and for spring booster vaccinations, the planning of future visits to the University Biology Department and discussion around which speakers to invite in the coming year.
Filling in the gaps
Then came updates from Yorkshire Cancer Research Charity worker Andy Wilson, a regular at these meetings, who is gearing up for a full month of activity with their “Step out for Yorkshire” campaign. It runs throughout the month of May to raise vital funds to improve the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer.
Our own Debs Howell let the group know about all the news from ECSG and HMRN. There was a lot to cover after the big disruption of the pandemic years and all the work that had happened in between.
Together again
However, some things remained the same; the good cheer and friendliness of the group, the chat and support for one another, Quality Street and the raffle!
Carol Miller who started and leads the group said of this first meeting back:
"Well after a very difficult 2 years and 3 months containing lockdowns, shielding, isolation and 4 vaccinations I am very pleased to be able to say that our first return to a support group meeting was well supported and appreciated by 25 members of the 'family'. Some came with great trepidation, but afterwards said they were glad they had done it and saw it as a new beginning of a life of some normality.
It was an informal meeting to see what the members wanted as a way forward for the group. The unanimous decision was that we would continue in the old and trusted format, meeting on the first Thursday of the month with a variety of speakers. So glad that's what is going to happen. Looking forward to it."
Further information
Details of the York Haematology Support Group are available on the YHHN website – Yorkshire and Humberside Haematology Network
Details of other support groups are available from the Yorkshire Cancer Community website
Contact us
Helen Cohen
ECSG Research Administrator
+44 (0)1904 32 1927
Seebohm Rowntree Building,
University of York,
YO10 5DD
Contact us
Helen Cohen
ECSG Research Administrator
+44 (0)1904 32 1927
Seebohm Rowntree Building,
University of York,
YO10 5DD