Cancer and infections in sub-Saharan Africa
Working in collaboration with the UK Medical Research Council-funded Unit, based in Entebbe, Uganda, our work focusses primarily on understanding modifiable risk factors for cancer in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), with the ultimate goal of facilitating cancer prevention.
There are a number of other centres in Africa conducting cancer research. However, almost all of these programmes are hospital/clinic-based whereas our particular contribution is to leverage the power of population-based research using the Unit’s General Population Cohort (GPC). Within this framework, we have shown that cancer is the most significant cause of non-communicable disease (NCD) deaths in rural Uganda (>33% of NCD deaths and >15% of all deaths) and that cancer-causing infections are amongst the most important risk factors for NCDs in the region. Hence, the majority (but not all) of our activity relates to cancer-causing infections.
Contact us
Helen Cohen
ECSG Research Administrator
+44 (0)1904 32 1927
Seebohm Rowntree Building,
University of York,
YO10 5DD
Main projects
Contact us
Helen Cohen
ECSG Research Administrator
+44 (0)1904 32 1927
Seebohm Rowntree Building,
University of York,
YO10 5DD