Informal discussion

Where a manager suspects a member of staff may have a problem with alcohol or drug/substance misuse that is affecting their work performance, as opposed to suspecting the member of staff of being responsible for a single instance of alcohol or drug/substance related misconduct (which will be dealt with under the Disciplinary Procedure), the manager will initially hold an informal discussion with the member of staff in order to:

  • Provide the member of staff with the University Policy and Management Procedure: Alcohol and Drugs/Substances at Work and the Sickness Absence Procedure and detail the support available to them;
  • Ascertain whether their poor performance is health-related and if so to urge him/her to seek medical help;
  • To offer the University's assistance: Information regarding the Member of staff Assistance Programme, Health Assured should be provided; adjustments or restrictions to work duties or hours for a specified period including a review of any safety issues; time off for attendance at any treatment; a referral to Occupational Health for further advice;
  • Document any outcomes, actions or support agreed, and arrange a date for a further meeting with the member of staff in order to monitor his/her progress and any further problems arising;
  • Advise him/her to discuss the matter with a colleague, their trade union representative or a family member

Managers should keep accurate records of instances of poor performance or other problems that might be related to an alcohol of drug/substance problem. Some of the features that could be associated with alcohol or drug/substance misuse are listed in the more info tab of this policy.

Where behaviour has become unacceptable, then the Manager should advise the member of staff that the HR Partner will be informed, and should again recommend the individual seek medical help from his/her GP.

During any period of absence from work for agreed treatment, the University's normal sick-pay arrangements will apply and absence for treatment will be treated as normal sickness.

In the event of the member of staff not co-operating or achieving a successful agreed or recommended course of treatment, lapses in his/her performance, conduct or attendance will be dealt with in accordance with the University's normal Disciplinary, Capability or Managing Ill-Health and Sickness Absence Procedures, as appropriate, any of which may lead to dismissal following a reasonable investigation.

In the event that a member of staff who is known to suffer from illness arising from alcohol or drug/substance misuse commits a disciplinary offence, account will be taken of the individual's co-operation in treatment, and any other mitigating factors, when deciding what action, if any, should be taken under University Procedures.


All parties involved in these procedures must ensure that they maintain, as appropriate, the confidentiality of the process within and outside the University. Disclosure may be necessary when this is required under law, or where there is a duty of care, e.g. a manager has a concern for the well-being of an employee or others.

Intoxication on University premises

If an employee is known to be, or strongly suspected of being intoxicated by alcohol or drugs/substances during working hours, the Director of Human Resources (or his/her nominee) should be consulted. Arrangements will be made for the employee to be escorted from the University premises immediately. Disciplinary action will be considered when the employee has had time to become sober. Intoxication, whether resulting from a dependency problem or not, is considered a serious breach of discipline.

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  • Last reviewed: 31 July 2016