Practical issues
You can find information and guidance on practical issues below.
If you need advice or further information on the topics covered below, please contact the Student Hub. You can also complete our feedback form if you have any suggestions about changes or additions to this page. Your responses to this form are anonymous and will not be used to identify you.
Changing your name, email address, and existing records
The sections below contain direct contact details for various services in the university who can help with both informal and formal name changes on university systems and records. Such requests go to email addresses accessed by a team of people, rather than to individuals. Please be assured all staff will process such requests with respect and will not share your information with others inappropriately.
The University has additional responsibilities under the Gender Recognition Act (2004) to provide confidentiality safeguards where students or staff request formal (legal) name and gender changes (with documentation). In such cases, we encourage you to contact the University's Information Governance Team at in the first instance. This will enable you to request such changes in a confidential way, without having to divulge your trans identity or history unnecessarily to a wider range of staff. If you wish to contact any services directly yourself via their general email address, you may do so, but please be aware that your email will go to a team inbox, not to an individual.
All University accommodation is not gender specific. If you have any queries or would like further information, please contact Accommodation Services by emailing
If you joined the University after October 2022, you will have a randomly generated username that is not based on your initials. If you joined prior to this, your username would have been automatically created by IT Services using your initials at the time of account creation plus a number, for example John Smith would be
Your username identifies you on multiple IT systems at the University, for example the VLE and e:Vision, and currently cannot be changed, but that might be possible in future. You can read more about usernames on the moving to randomly generated usernames web page.
If your email address was generated before October 2022 and you would prefer to have an email address that reflects your current name, you can request a new email address that uses your known-as name, for example Please note that this applies to your email address but not your University username (eg js500) which cannot be changed. A new email address that uses a known-as name can be requested by emailing Use change of email address in the subject field.
Making changes confidentially
If you are changing your contact details formally (with documentation) and would like a confidential route to requesting a change of email address to match your new details, please contact
Ways to change your name
There are three main options for name changes at the University:
1. Changing your ‘chosen’ or ‘known as’ name
What does this mean?
Staff looking at student databases can see your name, as well as your ‘known as’ name (if one is recorded). Your ‘known as’ name is what you prefer to be called even if your officially recorded name is different.
Some students use this field for shortened versions of their name (eg ‘Tom’ instead of ‘Thomas’), their middle name if they prefer to use that, or an English name for international students with an official name in their own language. Adding your ‘known as’ name in this field means that staff can see your forename and your ‘known as’ name.
Example: If a student changes their ‘know as’ name from Jonathan Bloggs to Jane Bloggs then their name would display on student databases used by staff as ‘Jonathan (Jane) Bloggs’.
Is this right for me?
This type of name change could be useful if you are using your old and new names interchangeably, and would like all staff using student databases to be aware of both.
How do I change this?
You do not need any evidence to change your ‘known as’ name, and you can change it yourself in e:Vision. If you encounter any issues, you can contact or a Student Hub advisor. You can also change other details on your student record by either flagging them as incorrect on e:Vision, or by contacting Student Records. You do not have to provide evidence to change your gender.
2. Changing your name
What does this mean?
This changes your name on student databases, and your new name is the only one that some staff (such as mailroom staff) will be able to see even if your officially recorded name is different.
Your officially recorded name will still be visible to some staff such as college and department administrators. This is because this does not change how we record your official name, which is what appears on your degree certificate. More information about changing your official name can be found below.
Example: If a student changes their name from Jonathan Bloggs to Jane Bloggs, their name would display on student databases as ‘Jane Bloggs’ however some staff would still be able to see the student’s original name. Their degree certificate will say ‘Jonathan Bloggs’.
Is this right for me?
This type of name change would be a good option if you now exclusively use your new name, and want to limit who can see your previous name. It allows you to use your new name across a variety of university systems and databases without having to change your name legally.
How do I change this?
You do not need any evidence to change your name. To change your name you will need to contact or an advisor at the Student Hub.
You can also change other details on your student record (such as your gender) in the same way. You do not have to provide evidence to change your gender.
When contacting Student Records you should specify that this is the name you want recorded on the student records system. Your officially recorded name will still be retained, and will appear on degree certificates and academic transcripts.
3. Changing your officially recorded name
What does this mean?
This is your formally recorded name, the one that will be on your degree certificate and the one that matches the ID you joined the University with. This requires a legal name change but, once that is done, your name can be changed across all university systems. A record that your name has been changed will be kept, but this information will be confidential and separate from your current record so will not be visible to anyone viewing it. Only staff who process your name change or who have audit access to SITs records will have access to your previously recorded name and any legal documentation supplied. Your degree certificate and all academic transcripts will be in your new official name.
Example: A student changes their name from ‘Jonathan Bloggs’ to ‘Jane Bloggs’ by supplying evidence of their legal name change. Their name will appear as ‘Jane Bloggs’ across university systems that staff access and their degree certificate will be in the name ‘Jane Bloggs’.
Is this right for me?
This is the only way to make sure that your previous name doesn’t show on university systems, and to get a degree certificate in your correct name. However, it also requires proof of a legal name change which can take time and money to acquire.
How do I change this?
In the first instance, please contact if you wish to discuss changing your name and gender formally (legally, with documentation).
General information on changing your formally recorded name and the types of evidence that are accepted can be found in theUniversity’s policy on changes to student names.
Avoiding contact with incorrect name
To avoid being contacted with incorrect names, and to discuss which of the above options is right for you, you may wish to discuss your name change with staff in the Student Hub and complete a Trans Student Action Plan. This plan has a section that outlines the various departments that you may wish to inform about your name change, such as student records, your college, YUSU or the GSA, and your academic department.
If you find you are being contacted using an incorrect name, you should contact the person or department who corresponded with you and ask them to amend their records. You can also report these issues to the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion team via or to IT Services via and they can look into the issue for you. You should be as specific as possible about what you have received and where/who from, ideally including a copy, screenshot, or photo of what you have received, showing where it originated. This will help staff to identify the cause of the issue and take steps to rectify it.
Alternatively, you can take these issues to an advisor at the Student Hub, who will be able to act as an intermediary between you and the various departments.
If you have changed (or are in the process of changing) your details formally (legally, with documentation) and you continue to be contacted using incorrect details, or you are aware of any records that have not been updated, please contact
Disclosing your trans history
If you only change your ‘known as’ name, both your forename and 'known as' (or chosen) name will be visible to staff as detailed above. If you change your name without a legal name change, some staff will still be able to see your official recorded name. This name change history could indicate to staff members that you are trans. To avoid this completely, you would need to change your officially recorded name.
Even if you change your officially recorded name, it may still be possible for other members of the university to see that a name change has occurred by looking at your university username. Your username is the first part of your email address and is generated from your initials when you first apply to the university, and it cannot be changed. However, there are many reasons why students might need to change their names resulting in this mismatch of username and initials, so it does not necessarily mean that staff or students will know you are trans.
From October 2022, we implemented a new way of generating usernames so that they are random and bear no relation to someone’s name (other than by chance) which will eliminate this issue for future staff and students. See our moving to randomly generated usernames page for further information.
YUSU information is regularly updated from University systems. Any changes made to your name, course or college on University records will automatically pull through to YUSU but may take up to 30 days to fully update.
It is possible to change your first name yourself on your YUSU student account. You can do this by logging into your YUSU account and using the ‘Preferred Name’ submission box. Changes may take a couple of days to be reflected on your account.
Although changes to your University and/or YUSU records will update many YUSU systems automatically, there is a possibility that some records may not be updated. If this occurs, you can contact YUSU at helpdesk
Making changes confidentially
If you have changed (or are in the process of changing) your details formally (legally, with documentation) and you want a confidential route to contacting YUSU (rather than through their help desk), please contact
To help navigate university systems, make any changes to your name or other personal details, get appropriate support, arrange time away from studies where needed, and discuss any other concerns you may have, you have the option of completing a Trans Student Action Plan with a Student Hub Advisor. You don't have to complete an Action Plan, and Student Hub Advisers are available to all students to help with a wider range of practical issues.
You may also wish to have a single point of contact to assist you if you have any concerns or difficulties. Your Named Contact could be a member of staff in your academic department or college. The Student Hub can help you decide who your Named Contact might be.
A student's legal name is shown on their degree certificate and academic transcript. This cannot be changed unless a student changes their name legally and provides evidence of this change. More information on changing your name can be found in the University's policy on changes to student names.
Following graduation, if a student changes their name legally, they can request that their degree certificate is re-issued free of charge in their new legal name. The process for this would be to send a request in writing to Student Services ( and include evidence of the legal name change.
Making changes confidentially
Students who wish to change their degree certificate due to gender reassignment, and want a confidential route to request this (rather than requesting through the Student Hub), should contact
If a student has not legally changed their name but their online record has been updated with their 'known-as' name details, the Graduation Office can be contacted and informed of the known-as name that the student would like called out during their graduation ceremony. You can find contact details for the Graduation Office on their how to prepare web page.
Transitioning can be challenging for a number of different reasons and sometimes this can impact a student's studies. If this happens a student may be able to use the exceptional circumstances process to request a change of deadline or other adjustments. This will depend on the student's individual situation and the requirements of their course.
See further information about exceptional circumstances affecting assessment.
Depending on their personal circumstances a student may consider taking a Leave of Absence from their studies. See further information about this below.
Students may choose to take a break from their studies for up to a year. This may be a possibility for students who are transitioning. This would need to be discussed with the department to consider the student's personal circumstances and the specific requirements of their programme.
See further information about LoA for taught students (undergraduates and taught masters programmes) and research students.
As part of a student's transition they may require time off for medical or other appointments, rather than long periods of absence. Students are allowed reasonable time off to attend these appointments, which should be discussed and arranged with their supervisor.
It should be noted that some programmes, for example, nursing, social work and teaching, might have restrictions set by the professional body awarding the qualification and even though the department wants to support the student, these restrictions could limit the department's flexibility in allowing time off for medical appointments.
If a student is attending a placement they may need to arrange this with their placement supervisor.
We are aware that trans students may face financial difficulties due to transitioning, 'coming out' or being 'outed' and potentially cut off from family members and other sources of support. The advisors in the Student Hub will be able to help check if students are getting the funding they are entitled to and explore whether there are any additional funds available to them.
They also work with prospective students to explore any funding available to them.
Students can contact the Student Advisers using the self referral form on the Student Hub web page.
The University card is an essential part of student life and is necessary for various applications such as borrowing from the Library and centralised printing. It also details the student's number and examination candidate number.
A student will need their card when sitting examinations, handing in assessed work, accessing campus accommodation and other buildings/rooms agreed with their department, for example laboratory spaces.
Students who change their registered name, or whose gender presentation differs from the photo on their card, can ask for a new card to be issued and a new photo at no cost. The best way to do this is to email requesting a new card and also explaining that their name has changed or their image has changed significantly since the card was first issued.
Making changes confidentially
Students who wish to change their student card to reflect a formal, legal name change (with documentation) due to gender reassignment, and want a confidential route to request this (rather than requesting through the generic unicard email address ), should contact
It is very common for a student's known-as name to differ from their registered name, and usually students don't experience any issues collecting their items when the name on a parcel or letter differs from that on their ID.
Mailroom and reception staff are instructed to hand over parcels and letters as long as your University ID matches the surname on the parcel, and the item is addressed correctly.
If you do experience any issues, please contact James Kennedy ( or Fiona MacDonald (
You can also contact an advisor in the Student Hub and they will work with you and other staff to resolve the issue.
Attitudes towards trans people vary around the world. The University encourages all students to research the country they are travelling to. Any concerns should be discussed with the department who have the final sign-off before the student can undertake their Study Abroad programme.
A travel risk assessment is required for all students going on a study abroad programme, and this includes a section on culture issues.
If a student has any concerns about a particular study abroad opportunity, they may wish to raise them with Global Opportunities.
Also see the University's guidance on LGBTI+ staff and students travelling abroad.