Accessibility statement

Privacy and data protection

Google's privacy settings

Google's new privacy settings, which became live on 1 March 2012, allow the sharing of user data between Google services. Within the managed Google Apps service this sharing of data between, for example, your University Mail account and your University Calendar, helps to provide useful functionality. 

Data access

As with any managed service, both some Google employees and members of IT Services have access to the contents of University managed accounts, however in both cases, access is limited and controlled.

Google will not link the data from your University account to other Google accounts you may have, but it will link data within the account across the various services offered (eg from mail to calendar etc).

We advise that you use your University Google account only for University related activities (eg correspondence pertaining to your job or course), and that you maintain your own account for personal use. This will ensure that, in the event of authorised staff being required to access your account under the terms of our investigations policy, they will not see any personal information (eg private emails).

Data Protection

Data held by Google can be located at any of Google's globally spread data centres.

The University has a GDPR compliant contract in place with Google to ensure data is handled in accordance with data protection legislation. Where data is transferred internationally, EU Model Clauses are used.

We're happy to discuss specifics of the contract with any member of the University - please contact


There is no advertising to staff or students within Google Apps for Education, as agreed in our contract with Google.

Google will only scan your emails for the purpose of virus and spam protection.