EPSRC CDT in Process Industries: Net Zero (PINZ)

The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Centre for Doctoral Training in Process Industries: Net Zero (PINZ CDT) is a collaboration between the Process Intensification Group at Newcastle University and the Green Chemistry Centre of Excellence at the University of York.

  • Funding: A tax-free annual stipend at the standard UKRI rate (£19,237 for 2024/25 entry), research costs and tuition fees at UK rate
  • Academic year: 2025/26
  • Open to: UK (home) students
  • Qualification level: Postgraduate research
  • Number available: 3
Applications for 2025/26 are closed.

Projects for academic year 25/26 will open in October.

To realise net zero, the process industries (bulk and fine chemicals, food and beverages, pharmaceuticals, manufacturing and utilities etc) must fundamentally change the way they handle energy, feedstocks and data. Gradual change is not enough; order-of-magnitude improvements in efficiency and environmental impact are required. In the UK alone, there are 500,000 new low-carbon jobs expected in the next decade. With more than 20 global industrial partners, to meet this training and research challenge, the Process Industries: Net Zero CDT will train process intensification and green chemistry experts, with the unique combination of skills needed to develop radically new processes, process technologies, and process chemistries. 

Join our PhD programme and become one of the architects and leaders of the global process industries’ net zero transition. You will develop the skills to lead and transform the UK’s low-carbon businesses and supply chains and help to deliver the UK’s Net Zero Strategy. All projects have an industrial partner and you'll benefit from a centre for doctoral training programme that has industrial collaboration at its core. The aim is to produce multi-skilled researchers equipped to tackle cutting-edge environmental science of global significance, embedded within a unique, supportive training environment.

Find out more about the EPSRC PINZ CDT Website 


Open to UK (home) students only.

You can apply if you have, or are expecting to gain, at least an upper second class honours degree or equivalent. We welcome applications if your background provides the necessary skills, knowledge and experience for the CDT, in chemistry or chemical engineering.

The PINZ CDT is committed to recruiting extraordinary future scientists regardless of age, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, disability, sexual orientation or career pathway to date. We understand that commitment and excellence can be shown in many ways and have built our recruitment process to reflect this. We welcome applicants from all backgrounds, particularly those underrepresented in science, who have curiosity, creativity and a drive to learn new skills.

Not all projects will be funded; a limited number of candidates will be appointed via a competitive process.

English language

If English isn't your first language you may need to provide evidence of your English language ability. For more information see our Postgraduate English language requirements.

How to apply

Application deadline: Sunday 26 January 2025, 11.59pm GMT

To apply please submit your application by clicking on the "apply online" button inside the project description. This will take you to the University's online application system.

Applications to the programme will be assessed jointly by members of the CDT leadership team in Newcastle and York, in accordance with and the University of York's privacy notice for student applicants. Your application may also be shared with the project industrial partner where appropriate.

How we allocate

Shortlisting will take place as soon as possible after the closing date and applicants are normally notified promptly.

If you're shortlisted you'll be invited for an interview.

You'll be notified as soon as possible after the interview dates whether your application has been successful, placed on a reserve list, or unsuccessful. If you are successful, you'll be required to confirm your intention to accept the studentship within two weeks.

Terms and conditions

The studentships are fully funded for four years and you must complete your PhD within those four years.

You'll receive a minimum of £19,237 per year for your living costs, which is paid to you in regular instalments. The UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) stipend is tax-free and does not need to be paid back.

International students will need to have sufficient funds to cover the costs of their student visa, NHS health surcharge, travel insurance and transport to the UK as these are excluded from UKRI funding.

As a member of the York Graduate Research School, you will study throughout the whole year, working for at least 35 hours per week, and will have a usual annual leave entitlement (normally 30 days over the year plus public holidays). You are encouraged to make use of your leave and have a responsibility to discuss the timing of this with your supervisor (for longer periods of holiday) and recording leave taken through the year. Students working in collaboration with non-academic partners are expected to bear in mind their obligations to those partners in planning leave.

You must adhere to the University’s regulations, policies and guidance regarding research degree programmes.

As part of the PINZ CDT programme you are expected to attend all mandatory induction, meetings and training sessions scheduled by the CDT. This will include regular travel to Newcastle University, particularly in the early stages of the PhD. 

Contact details

Chemistry Postgraduate Admissions
+44 (0)1904 324544

Contact us

PGR Administration team

+44 (0)1904 325962