Short courses in York for partner universities
Our short courses are designed to help you to develop your communication skills in English, as well as your intercultural awareness and international outlook. They are for students from our partner universities worldwide.
Courses can include the following themes and components:
- project work
- study and presentation skills
- business English
- management (such as marketing and business strategy)
- IELTS skills development
- community-based projects
- sessions for improving your pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar in English
- creativity
- intercultural competence
- critical thinking
- employability (developing your skills for the workplace).
Course content
You will complete a small-scale research project which will allow you to develop your teamwork and research skills. At the end of the project you will give a presentation and take part in a seminar-style discussion.
We also work closely with University departments and other organisations in York to create new and exciting sessions. Visiting speakers can provide expert insight into key cultural and academic issues.
Other opportunities
Our classes are small so you will have lots of opportunities to speak in English and spend time with your tutor. There will also be trips to interesting places close to York so you can see more of England. Your tutors will help you to prepare for these trips.
Short courses range from one to 16 weeks long.
How to apply
Contact your home university or institution for more information and details on how to apply.