Avoiding mould in your accommodation
Mould can have a detrimental effect on your wellbeing and the building fabric around you.
Read the following information to reduce the risk of condensation, mould and window rot.
Housekeeping tips
- Have trickle vents (if present on your window) open whenever you can, ideally all the time. This ventilates the room and removes warm moist air before it has chance to condensate. You can improve this ventilation further by having your window open whenever possible.
- Have the heating on constantly at a medium level at cold times of year, this means the building fabric warms up and is less likely to be cold enough for condensation to form on it. This also helps to dry out any moisture present within the room.
- Keep your room clean and tidy so that air can circulate to all areas, especially behind beds and furniture, to prevent moisture from collecting.
- Try to vacate your room on a regular basis to exercise and allow moisture created by yourself to dissipate.
- If you live in University accommodation, report any signs of mould using the instructions on the Report a problem with your accommodation page as soon as possible and before the problem escalates.
- If you live in private sector accommodation, inform your landlord or residence staff as soon as possible.
- Close the trickle vents and windows completely, as this prevents ventilation of the room.
- Shut the heating off as this will encourage condensation to collect on cold surfaces.
- Keep items (especially dirty or damp ones) close to the wall edge for long periods of time as this prevents air circulating and encourages mould.
- Create additional or excessive moisture within the room, i.e. dry wet clothes or cook.
- Spend long periods of the day entirely in your room without breaks and/or ventilation.
- Ignore signs of mould or damp in your accommodation.
Contact us
Accommodation Services
+44 (0)1904 322165 - available 10am-4pm, Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays)
Contact us
Accommodation Services
+44 (0)1904 322165 - available 10am-4pm, Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays)