Common interest groups
In addition to discussion sessions, there are groups which bring together people with a shared interest.
These groups enable members to meet, focus on their common interest and develop relationships which give them a chance to discuss other issues and support each other.
Our groups follow these principles:
- we aim to be welcoming and supportive
- we value activity
- we believe talking helps
- we see physical health as being as important as mental health
- we believe we’re all on a physical health continuum
- we believe we’re all on a mental health continuum
- we try to be non judgemental
- we maintain confidentiality.
These are informal groups, with meetups organised by the members. If you'd like to join one of the existing groups, click on the icon below and fill in the form - someone from the group will be in touch soon.
If you've got an idea for a new group, email wellbeing