This event has now finished.
  • Date and time: Wednesday 17 February 2021, 1.30pm to 3pm
  • Audience: Open to the public
  • Admission: Free admission, booking required

Event details

With spring just around the corner, join our panel of sustainability experts from The Department of Environment and Geography at the University of York, The York Environment Sustainability Institute, Stockholm Environment Institute and St. Nicks to explore the benefits of getting outside in our parks and gardens, and offer tips on outdoor environmental activities that both help the planet and help keep us healthy and happy.

This event is part of One Planet Week at the University of York.  This year's theme is Culture and Community, which you can read more about on the UoY Sustainability blog. #OPW21 

Panel Members

Steve Cinderby - Senior Researcher, Stockholm Environment Institute

Samarthia Thankappan - Senior Lecturer in the Environment and Geography Department

James Stockdale - Associate Lecturer in the Department of Biology - St Nicks Centre for Nature and Green Living 

Smriti Safayan - PhD student, on citizen science and environmental behaviour in school students

Ask the panel a question, for example:

 - What community activities can we still do during lockdown? 
 - How can buying food locally benefit the environment?
 - What is the optimal “nature dose”? 
 - How can schools incorporate outdoor learning? 

Post your questions ahead of the event using this form

Our panel of experts will answer the best questions at the event, and will post answers to all questions on the Sustainability Question Time webpage. We will also post pictures of your green ideas and tips, awarding Green Stars for the best photos and ideas in our three categories of:

Squirrels (for the young in age or young at heart) 
Owls (for the more serious questions)
Rosy Maple Moths (for the fun and random questions)

We look forward to hearing your questions

Register here and post your questions here or via Twitter using #YorkEnvironment