Our people
The Department of English and Related Literature is home to over 55 members of academic staff.
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Research interests:
- Gender and Women's Studies
- Irish Literature and Irish Studies

Research interests:
- Gender and Women's Studies
- Modern and Contemporary
- Poetry and Poetics
- Translation
- Visual and Material Culture

Research interests:
- Eighteenth Century and Romantic
- Gender and Women's Studies
- Visual and Material Culture

Research interests:
- Gender and Women's Studies
- Modern and Contemporary

Research interests:
- American Literature
- Film Studies
- Modern and Contemporary

Research interests:
- Modern and Contemporary
- Victorian

Research interests:
- American Literature
- Creative Writing
- Film Studies
- Modern and Contemporary
- Poetry and Poetics

Dr Jonathan Brockbank
Research interests:
- Modern and Contemporary
- Ruskin and Morris
- British female writers of the early to mid 20 th century
- Westerns and Noirs
- Yorkshire Social Realist writing (author and place)
- Traditional music, song and culture of Britain and the USA
- Godzilla

Research interests:
- Irish Literature and Irish Studies
- Modern and Contemporary
- Poetry and Poetics
- Victorian
Research interests:
- Creative Writing
- Global and Postcolonial
- Medieval
- Poetry and Poetics
- Translation

Research interests:
- American Literature
- Eighteenth Century and Romantic
- Gender and Women's Studies
- Victorian

Research interests:
- Creative Writing
- Gender and Women's Studies
- Global and Postcolonial
- Modern and Contemporary
- Poetry and Poetics
- Translation

Research interests:
- Global and Postcolonial
- Gender and Women’s Studies
- Modern and Contemporary
- Creative Writing
- Translation

Research interests:
- Histories of the Book
- Medieval
- Translation

Research interests:
- Creative Writing
- Eighteenth Century and Romantic
- Gender and Women's Studies
Research interests:
- Gender and Women's Studies
- Irish Literature and Irish Studies
- Modern and Contemporary

Research interests:
- Histories of the Book
- Renaissance

Research interests:
- Eighteenth Century and Romantic

Research interests:
- American Literature
- Gender and Women's Studies
- Global and Postcolonial
- Modern and Contemporary

Research interests:
- Histories of the Book
- Renaissance

Research interests:
- Gender and Women's Studies
- Queer Studies
- Renaissance

Research interests:
- Creative Writing
- Environmental Humanities
- Film Studies
- Gender and Women's Studies
- Global and Postcolonial
- Modern and Contemporary
- Visual and Material Culture

Research interests:
- Global and Postcolonial
- Medieval
- Translation
- Visual and Material Culture

Research interests:
- Histories of the Book
- Medieval

Research interests:
- Creative
- Gender and Women's Studies
- Global and Postcolonial
- Modern and Contemporary

Research interests:
- Renaissance

Research interests:
- American Literature
- Global and Postcolonial
- Modern and Contemporary
- Visual and Material Culture

Research interests:
- Gender and Women's Studies
- Visual and Material Culture
- Early Modern / Renaissance
- Global and Postcolonial

Research interests:
- Medieval
- Poetry and Poetics
Research interests:
- Eighteenth Century and Romantic
- Gender and Women's Studies
- Victorian

Research interests:
- American Literature
- Classical Literature
- Histories of the Book
- Modern and Contemporary
- Poetry and Poetics
- Translation

Research interests:
- Gender and Women's Studies
- Histories of the Book
- Medieval

Research interests:
- Creative Writing
- Global and Postcolonial
- Modern and Contemporary
Research interests:
- Eighteenth Century and Romantic
- Translation

Research interests:
- Global and Postcolonial
- Irish Literature and Irish Studies
- Modern and Contemporary
- Translation
Research interests:
- Eighteenth Century and Romantic

Research interests:
- Film Studies
- Gender and Women's Studies
- Global and Postcolonial
- Modern and Contemporary

Research interests:
- Creative Writing
- Global and Postcolonial
- Modern and Contemporary
- Poetry and Poetics
- Victorian
- Visual and Material Culture

Research interests:
- Humour Studies
- Irish Literature and Irish Studies
- Modern and Contemporary

Research interests:
- Classical Literature
- Histories of the Book
- Renaissance

Research interests:
- Poetry and Poetics
- Renaissance
Research interests:
- American Literature
- Gender and Women's Studies
- Modern and Contemporary
- Poetry and Poetics
- Queer Studies

Research interests:
- Eighteenth Century and Romantic
- Gender and Women's Studies
Research interests:
- Environmental Humanities
- Film Studies
- Modern and Contemporary
Research interests:
- Film Studies
- Modern and Contemporary
- Renaissance

Research interests:
- Environmental Humanities
- Renaissance
Research interests:
- Gender and Women's Studies
- Histories of the Book
- Renaissance
- Visual and Material Culture

K/376C, King's Manor
Research interests:
- Eighteenth Century and Romantic
- Textual Scholarship
- Poetry and Poetics
- Philosophy of Economics

Research interests:
- Indigenous Studies
- Global and Postcolonial
- Modern and Contemporary
- Visual and Material Culture

Research interests:
- Gender and Women's Studies
- Global and Postcolonial
- Modern and Contemporary
- Queer Studies
- Translation

Research interests:
- Medieval
- Translation
- Victorian

Research interests:
- Gender and Women's Studies
- Global and Postcolonial
- Histories of the Book
- Medieval
- Translation

Research interests:
- Gender and Women's Studies
- Histories of the Book
- Renaissance

Research interests:
- Environmental Humanities
- Modern and Contemporary
- Narrative studies
Research interests:
- Eighteenth Century and Romantic
Research interests:
- American Literature
- Creative Writing
- Histories of the Book
- Irish Literature and Irish Studies
- Modern and Contemporary
- Poetry and Poetics
Research interests:
- Environmental Humanities
- Global and Postcolonial
- Modern and Contemporary

Research interests:
- Eighteenth Century and Romantic
- Gender and Women's Studies
- Histories of the Book
- Visual and Material Culture

Research interests:
- Modern and Contemporary
- Poetry and Poetics
- Victorian
Research interests:
- Renaissance
- Global and Postcolonial
- Visual and Material Culture