2024 news
View our previous news stories.
Dr Maria Garcia Reyes Wins Funding for Global Health Economics Project
"Bridging Global Health Economics: Empowering Indonesian Graduates through the York-Gadjah Mada Partnership"
ESRC White Rose Social Sciences DTP (WRDTP) Scholarships
PhD scholarships across a range of schemes are available for doctoral research students commencing their studies in October 2025.
Job Market Candidates 2024-25
We are pleased to introduce you to the University of York's Econ job market candidates for this academic year (2024/25).
Nobel Memorial Prize awarded to UoY Economics graduate
York graduate Daron Acemoglu has been awarded the Nobel Memorial prize in Economics for “for studies of how institutions are formed and affect prosperity"
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Book published in honour of Andrew Jones
Recent Developments in Health Econometrics: A Volume in Honour of Andrew Jones
ESRC funded workshops & training
New Cross-Sectionally Dependent Panel Data Methods for the Analysis of Macroeconomic and Financial Networks