Information for staff and students


The SUPA Group is involved in setting up role plays for students to practise interviewing techniques, supporting students on placement, providing lectures and workshops, interviewing prospective students, and arranging the volunteering open day at the start of the academic year. We also have representation on the Social Work Partnership Board.

Our involvement in Social Work courses

Role plays and interviews

This is an opportunity for students to practise their social work interview technique in a safe and supported environment. To support the student, SUPA Group members provide their personal history and lived experience prior to the session.

The role play is recorded and forms part of the student’s assessment. Feedback is provided by the academic staff to help the student develop their interview approach. This is often a positive and enjoyable experience for all involved.


Some SUPA Group members with particular expertise will provide stand-alone lectures. Topics covered have included: personalisation, independent living, learning difficulties, personalised budgets, mental health, preparation for practice and social work policy.

Academic staff provide support in the planning and delivery of lectures, and the School takes care of any photocopying requirements. SUPA Group members’ expenses are paid and support is also available during the lectures if required. Lectures are usually 50 minutes long.


Workshops allow students and SUPA Group members to work together in small groups, exploring topics around preparation for practice, reflective thinking, advanced directives and best practice. Within the small group setting, students gain a more personal insight into what it feels like to be in the care of social services. This informs students' future practice.

Interviewing prospective students

Candidates are interviewed in groups by pairs of SUPA Group members. This is in addition to the candidate's interview with academic staff. The SUPA Group members are equal partners in the interviewing process, and comments are sought from them as to the candidate’s suitability for the course.

It is very important that prospective students are interviewed by people who have used social care services or who have lived experiences, as they offer an important insight into a candidate’s interpersonal and caring attributes.