Jonathan Gordon

PhD topic title: The development of Anthropocene biodiversity

PhD supervisors: Professor Chris Thomas and Professor Nicky Milner

Biography and research

Human impact on the earth-system is not a recent phenomenon, an observation that has underpinned my research to date. My previous work in geography and environmental archaeology has focussed on human-environment interactions, using pollen and faunal records to reconstruct palaeoecologies, and the human impact on them, over the past 15,000 years.

My PhD will build on this research, using a range of biological and archaeological datasets to examine past human impact on biodiversity over the Anthropocene, the ‘human epoch’. This research will help contextualise modern biodiversity change and provide insights for the future, potentially impacting future management and conservation strategies.

The potential for a tangible, positive impact on future biodiversity is incredibly exciting and drives my interest in the field.


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Leverhulme Centre for Anthropocene Biodiversity

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Leverhulme Centre for Anthropocene Biodiversity