Helen Selvidge 

I am the Assistant Director of Human Resources, heading up the University's operational HR team as well as HR services and compliance. I joined the University just over a decade ago from the NHS, where I also held senior roles in HR. I am a qualified mentor, workplace mediator, and NLP practitioner, and currently training to be a coach. 

I am absolutely committed to helping people to be the best that they can be, and I believe that learning, curiosity and understanding others' experiences of the world are key to this. Working both in the NHS and the University, I have felt privileged to work in multicultural, diverse working environments, which creates a vibrancy all of its own. I joined SREF because I felt I could work collaboratively with colleagues to further my own understanding and insight, as well as being able to bring some HR knowledge and experience that I hope will enhance our ability to progress the diversity and inclusion agenda. 

I thoroughly enjoy working with my colleagues on SREF!


Contact us

Equality and Diversity Office

+44 (0)1904 324680