Aiko Mizumori Hirst
I am an International Volunteering and Alumni Officer at Office of Philanthropic Partnerships and Alumni (OPPA).
What does EDI mean to you? Why is it important to you?
I did my bachelor’s degree in the UK but spent most of my life in Japan as a Japanese until I migrated to the UK in 2016. It has been an interesting experience of being a foreigner and building my life from scratch in York. I have been a (guilty) feminist but my understanding of EDI has dramatically expanded since I came to the UK and especially since I joined the University. I’m not an expert in EDI but am committed to deepening my understanding and learning from people’s experiences .
How are you involved in EDI activity at York?
I am a member of the EDI Working Group at OPPA and am a Secretary of the Staff Race Equality Forum Operations Group.
Do you have any advice on how to engage with EDI activity in York?
There are a lot of EDI activities you can get involved at the University, both at the department level and institutional level. People I’ve met at those activities have been most welcoming and supportive and I’m sure you’ll find the same.
You can talk to me about…
Equality, feminism, sustainability, Life in the UK test and any kinds of delicious food.