The Quiet Place is an area of stillness, quiet and contemplation. It's located in the grounds of Heslington Hall.

Students, staff and visitors are welcome to use the Quiet Place for reflection, meditation, prayer, reading and contemplative walking. It has four elements:

  • an outer lawn with alcove seat
  • an enclosed garden
  • a lower room which is available for individual use
  • an upper room which can be booked in advance by groups or individuals.

Access to the enclosed garden and lower room can be obtained by requesting the key codes from Derwent Reception, Monday to Friday. On weekends, you can call the Vanbrugh Reception Mobile Receptionist on 01904 323200 to gain access. By requesting the key codes you are agreeing to the conditions of use of the Quiet Place.

Upper room

The upper room is available to be booked by groups for reflection, meditation, prayer and reading. You're welcome to talk quietly and play quiet and appropriate music in the upper room, provided it does not disturb other users of the Quiet Place.

Staff and students can email to arrange access to the upper room. Please provide a description of what you will be using the room for in your booking request. Once your booking has been confirmed, the key to access the upper room can be signed out from Derwent Reception.

By requesting the keys, you are agreeing to the conditions of use of the Quiet Place.

Conditions of use

We ask those wishing to use the Quiet Place or surrounding area to do so in a manner that respects the purpose for which it is designated by following these conditions of use:

  • the Quiet Place is only to be used for the purposes of quiet reflection, meditation, prayer, reading and contemplative walking
  • the use of quiet and appropriate music is permitted only in the upper room and should be moderated or stopped if requested by other Quiet Place users
  • users are responsible for using the Quiet Place in a respectful manner
  • all keys must be returned to Derwent Reception promptly at the end of the booking period.
  • users should not attach or stick anything to the walls or leave objects or symbols within the Quiet Place
  • users will be liable for the cost of any damage or extra cleaning required as a result of inappropriate use or behaviour
  • anyone found to be misusing the Quiet Place may be excluded from further use and University members may be subject to further action under the relevant code of discipline.