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Photo of Adam Stroughair, Research Services Technician in the Department of Physics.

Adam Stroughair

Research Services Technician, School of Physics, Engineering and Technology

As I studied my undergraduate degree in Biology, working within Physics has been a novel experience. I started my current role in August 2015 as a research technician within the School of Physics, Engineering and Technology, primarily supporting the departmental cleanroom.

With various staff departures, I started taking on more responsibility within other areas of the department, helping to organise the varied research needs. I also increased my involvement with the cleanroom to include the management of its technical provision.

In 2017, I became a TechYork volunteer joining the organisation committee. I didn't know initially what this might involve, but I was keen to be part of it.

My responsibilities included setting up a work order for raising money towards events and hopefully to fund future initiatives for technicians in the University.

As a committee, we had decided to primarily run mini-events throughout the year with a large event every summer.

In 2018 we held our first big meeting. For this, I was personally responsible for raising the money to cover the cost of this larger event, including finding relevant sponsors, and I succeeded in procuring excess funds to what was necessary for this event alone. This has allowed TechYork to provide free-to-access events within the University community, improving the likelihood that technical staff can attend.

In 2018, I was also entrusted with the project management of a large scale refurbishment and development of three laboratories at the York JEOL Nanocentre. The aim of this project was to create a new and improved sample preparation facility; a bio-lab for the newly purchased Atomic Force Microscope and a microfluidics facility to house a direct laser writer lithography system, which will enable researchers to produce highly accurate microfluidics systems with a fast turnaround.

I really enjoy my work as a technician, as it enables me to be involved with a lot of projects that I otherwise wouldn't be part of.