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Images showing a range of work that requires the skills of technical staff. Left to right: restoration of stained glass; exhibit on the periodic table; drosophila flies for Biology research.


TechYork is a hub for technical staff working in departments across the University. You’ll find information about:

  • TechYork conferences and other networking events
  • Career progression and professional registration
  • The University's involvement in the Technician Commitment initiative
  • Becoming a technician

We're also featuring technician stories - a chance for you to learn more about your colleagues in other departments. If you'd like to share your story, please get in touch.

Technicians from York, Graeme McAllister (Chemistry) and James Fox (Biology), presented the University of York's Technician Commitment progress at the Technician Commitment Signatory event on 4 December. The event was held at the wonderfully historic headquarters of the Royal Society in London and was attended by over 100 delegates from 40 institutions.

Find out more information about TechYork events and progress on the Technician Commitment at York. If you have any suggestions for learning and training events, please email

The NTDC Skills Survey

Thanks to you all for taking the time and effort to fill out the survey. Initial feedback from Brian Fulton, Dean of the Faculty of Sciences (sent to all Heads of Department), as well as details of our Action Plan going forward can be found below:

TechYork logo

TechYork events

Events are the heart of TechYork. They offer a lively programme of speakers, workshops, and information stands. The break for lunch is a great opportunity to network with colleagues from across the University. Follow TechYork on Twitter for news ‌of upcoming activities, and keep an eye on the events page:

Career progression

Find out more about developing your career as a technician with training, a new role, or recognition of your skills through an award:

‌Technician Commitment

The University is a signatory of this national initiative which aims to ensure visibility, recognition, career development and sustainability for technicians working in higher education and research. Learn what this means for the institution and for you:

TechYork Gallery

We're building a gallery of images from the University's history to show the range of work that technical staff are involved in, and how much technical roles have developed (or perhaps remained unchanged!) over the years. Can you share any pictures from your departmental archives? Please get in touch.

Photo of equipment and a person in a full protective suit in a clean laboratory in Physics.

Professional registration

Find out about the benefits of registration with professional bodies to recognise your knowledge, competence and commitment:

Technician stories

If you're part of a small team, or even the sole member of technical staff in your department, it can be easy to feel isolated. We're introducing you to some of your colleagues elsewhere in the University; their career development stories may be the inspiration you need.

Conference fund

A new fund has been established to allow technicians to gain funding to attend conferences or trade shows. Up to £300 can be applied for, there will be four funding calls per year.