Information for applicants
The information featured on this page is likely to be needed in many EU applications.
Currents calls
University PIC number | 999978336 |
Organisation legal name | University of York |
University short name | UoY |
Horizon Europe compliant Gender Equality Plan
The University can tick ‘yes’ to complying with these requirements. We have several documents that when read together meet the EC’s standards.
Key facts and figures for applications in EU research programmes
The University of York was founded in 1963 and has grown to be an internationally renowned university. It is a member of the prestigious Russell group of universities, with 30 departments and research centres. It was ranked joint 10th overall in the Times Higher Education's ranking of the Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2021, a UK-wide assessment of the quality of research in universities undertaken by expert review panels. The proportion of our research of world-leading 4* status among the highest of any UK university and we were ranked 12th for the impact of our research according to the Times Higher Education.
Under FP7 the University of York was awarded 185 EU-funded projects including 14 ERC grants, 35 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowships, 17 ITNs and 7 Infrastructure grants.
In Horizon 2020 the University participated in 140 awards, totalling 73m euros of funding received. Over 53m related to Excellent Science: 15 ERC grants (28m), 73 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (including 18 ETNs) (23m), Future & Emerging Technologies and Infrastructures funding.
European Commission Dashboard
To run a University of York report, go to the dashboard home page and select ‘R&I Organisation Profiles’.
Search by entering ‘University of York’ and PIC no. 999978336, and select the programme you are interested in and explore the data.
The European Commission has introduced major changes to its Horizon Dashboard, which now includes information provided by other Directorates-General (DG), including DG Justice and Consumers (DG JUST) and DG Sante (Health and Food Safety).

Applicants can also look up relevant awards to the University on the Cordis website, or contact their Faculty research support teams for recent Horizon Europe examples. A few highlight projects are included below to demonstrate the University's experience in the different programmes. Numbers in brackets are the Grant Agreement numbers, which you may be specifically asked to include in certain programmes.
Sample projects for applications requiring track record
Doctoral Networks (previously Innovative Training Networks):
- "ARCHSCI2020" (676154), co-ordination of a European Joint Doctorate training the next generation of archaeological scientists.
- "CHEMARCH" (956351), co-ordination of a European Joint Doctorate exploring the organic chemistry and molecular biology of archaeological artefacts.
Postdoctoral Fellowships (previously Individual Fellowships):
- "DREGS" (842577), deciphering archaeological residues to understand the history of European grape cultivation and winemaking societies.
- "Sounds as Intangible Heritage" (797586), preserving the acoustics of cathedrals in the United Kingdom.
- "ViolenControl" (101023687), violence and its control in Early Modern Venice (1450-1700)
- "FICTSTRUCT" (890376), merging structuralism and fictionalism in the philosophy of mathematics
- "SEACHANGE" (856488) participation in the ERC Synergy grant quantifying the impact of major cultural transitions on marine ecosystem functioning and biodiversity.
- "SICTRANSIT" (693600), co-ordination of the ERC Advanced grant exploring the archaeology of regime change in Sicily from the 6th to 13th century.
- "YORNIGHT" (633344), promoting heritage and science in the City of York.