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Since 2019, the University’s Fellowship Coordination Committee has run the York Fellowship Programme, aimed at supporting early career researchers as they apply for, and undertake, independent research Fellowships

The York Fellowship Programme includes both pre- and post-award support, including:

  • Support with applications, including a full review of at least two drafts of any Fellowship application and access to examples of successful applications
  • Match funding, to ensure that Fellowships are financially viable for Departments/Schools/Faculties
  • The running of certain internal selection processes (eg RAEng, UKRI FLF)
  • Training and support for both current and prospective Fellows.

The York Fellowship Community currently comprises almost 100 early career Fellows across the University, covering all Faculties and a wide range of funders. The University’s dedicated Fellowship Coordinator provides day-to-day support, supported by Dr Marina Petri, the University’s Fellowship Lead, Fellowship Representatives from each Faculty, and the rest of the Fellowship Coordination Committee.

Learn more about Fellowships at York

Support for Prospective Fellows

Contact us

Sarah Penny
Researcher Developer, Fellows

Our flagship event is Fellowship Fortnight, which runs once a year to celebrate the work enabled through our community of Fellows. Fellowship Fortnight showcases the work of current Fellows, provides training for prospective Fellowship applicants and brings together academic staff to share ideas and practice to support Fellows.

Fellowship Fortnight 2024 programme

Applications are now closed for 2023

The Preparing for Fellowship Success programme provides the space, time and support for exceptional early career researchers to develop a Fellowship application. It is aimed at internal and external high calibre postdocs and early career researchers who intend to submit a Fellowship application within 9-12 months.

Owing to the intensive nature of this programme, candidates should at least be at a stage where they:

  • Understand the key features of a fellowship (for example, how these differ from a standard research grant)
  • Have identified a suitable fellowship scheme that they are both eligible for and fit well to.
  • Have an outline research project.

All applicants must have the full support of the appropriate Chair of the Departmental Research Committee.

Each aspect of the Fellowship process is covered and candidates are fully supported by professional support staff, existing Fellowship holders, external speakers and Fellowship Mentors. The retreat is provided free of charge and is part of the University’s commitment to providing support for postdocs/research staff with the skills and capabilities to develop independent research. The Programme is aligned to the institutional commitment to the Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers.

To maximise the chances of fellowship success all applicants are required to identify an individual (who may or may not be their PI) to become a ‘Fellowship Mentor’ and support their application.

*A mentor is an academic member of staff who can provide specialist insight into the proposal.


By the end of the retreat participants will have:

  • Understand what elements are covered in a Fellowship application
  • Have taken the first steps to beginning a Fellowship application
  • Received feedback on and refined their research vision

Participants are expected to:

  • be either internal or external to the University
  • have a strong vision for their Fellowship 
  • be preparing to submit an early career fellowship to an external funder within the coming 9-12 months
  • have identified one specific fellowship scheme (or a small number) that they are eligible for and fit well to (if you have a University of York email address/login, you can find a list of common schemes here)
  • have the full support of the prospective host department in pursuing the fellowship application
  • have a mentor within the prospective host department, who is able to work with them on developing their proposal

We are committed to valuing and celebrating diversity, and to advancing equality and inclusive practice. We encourage interest from people with a variety of backgrounds and experience; for example, people from sections of the community that are currently underrepresented in the University, those with commitments that would benefit from flexible working, and people wishing to return to research after a career break.

Interested in applying?

Applications are closed for 2023, but any queries can be sent to 


An Introduction to Early Career Fellowships

Contact us

Sarah Penny
Researcher Developer, Fellows