Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Impact Acceleration Accounts (IAAs) support a range of knowledge sharing activities within the social sciences, which are of demonstrable benefit to both society and the economy. IAAs allows researchers to respond to research impact opportunities in more flexible, responsive and creative ways. The central aims of the York IAA are:
In line with our institutional strategy that commits us to identifying “areas of challenge and change in our society that will be central to our pursuit of public good over the next decade”, the York ESRC IAA will seek to generate a step-change in activity around four Thematic Priorities. These are not exclusive – the IAA supports projects drawing on the whole range of ESRC-remit research – but strategic funding is ring-fenced to accelerate research impact and partnership-building in these areas.
There are three IAA funding calls per annum, with funding available across all of the university's impact acceleration, translational, knowledge exchange, and research priming funds. Applications for small awards (of <£2,000) can be submitted at any time. Further details are available on the Internal Funding webpages (University of York staff access only).
The ESRC IAA team welcome discussion on project or capacity building ideas, at any stage of development. Please complete the relevant form, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
In exceptional circumstances funding may be permitted between advertised funding rounds. Please contact us regarding out-of-round applications, and any other enquiries (