Feature: nationally determined contributions (NDCs)
The COVID-19 recovery offers a window to develop and implement climate action plans that integrate planning on energy, health and sustainable development towards a more sustainable and resilient recovery. SEI research comprises tools for and insights into such synergistic planning, and highlights how policies on fossil fuel production, air pollution and industry transition can be harnessed for more ambitious and effective NDCs.
National climate action plans, known as nationally determined contributions or NDCs, are at the heart of the Paris Agreement. In this treaty, countries committed to limiting global warming to “well below 2 degrees above pre-industrial levels,” and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C. NDCs embody efforts by each country to reduce national emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change.
The Paris Agreement requests countries to submit updated NDCs every five years to the UNFCCC secretariat. They are encouraged to submit NDCs that reflect increased ambition, whether in terms of strengthened targets, accelerated timelines, or a broader scope covering additional sectors or greenhouse gases. The idea is that over time, the aggregate reductions in emissions will put the world on a Paris-compatible pathway.
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Frances Dixon
+44 (0) 7859147820
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Frances Dixon
Communication Specialist
+44 (0) 7859147820
For all media enquiries please contact:
Frances Dixon
+44 (0) 7859147820