• Date and time: Wednesday 30 October 2024, 1pm to 4pm
  • Location: In-person only
    AEW/104, Alcuin East Wing, Campus West, University of York (Map)
  • Audience: Open to staff, students (postgraduate researchers only)
  • Admission: Free admission, booking required

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Event details

Join YESI and IGDC for a series of workshops that will bring researchers together to share and mobilise social science approaches, methods and perspectives to meet the challenges posed by climate change at the local and global scale. 

Workshops are open to all York researchers, and will aim to develop research project ideas driven by social science approaches and methods, although researchers from other disciplines are welcome.

Session 1: Working with uncertainty and systems thinking

Acting within the sustainability and resilience space involves making decisions within a complex web of interactions between social, economic, environmental and equity. Deciding what to do within this complex space often requires making decisions based on limited information and high uncertainty. Inaction is, of course, not an option. How do we then address society’s tasks of implementing welfare-enhancing decisions given its limited ability to fully appreciate and assess the extent of risk and uncertainty though still recognizing the complexities and uncertainties inherent in any given “solution”?