The Centre for Evolution of Global Business and Institutions (CEGBI) aims to carry out groundbreaking research which fosters a better understanding of how business and institutions succeed in a global economy while simultaneously addressing societal challenges.


Established in January 2009, CEGBI is a research centre in the School for Business and Society at the University of York. The centre aims to carry out groundbreaking research which will foster a better understanding of how business and institutions succeed in a global economy.  By developing a better understanding of the relationship between past and the present, the aim is to draw lessons that help business and policy makers in more informed decision making and address grand challenges. It draws on an eclectic approach, both in terms of research topics and methodologies used. A distinctive characteristic of the members of the centre is their emphasis on international business, business and economic history, global marketing, ethics and social enterprise.


CEGBI Summer Conference 2024

‘Tackling Grand Challenges: Informing progress and shaping change in business and society’

9th September 2024, Church Lane Building

The Centre for Evolution of Global Business and Institutions (CEGBI) as part of the School for Business and Society (SBS), University of York, invites you to participate in the 2024 Summer Conference.

The conference provides an interdisciplinary forum for research and teaching across the school and beyond, to promote dialogue, discuss work in progress with an interdisciplinary audience, and to support research and teaching collaboration on topics associated with tackling ‘Grand Challenges’ in business and society. Panels, papers and discussion cover ‘grand challenges’ in business: strategies for innovation and resilience; societal impacts of 'grand challenges’: from local to global perspectives; policy and technology solutions for ‘grand challenges’; information and knowledge management in addressing ‘grand challenges’; corporate social responsibility and ethical leadership; sustainable social and business models and practices; collaborative initiatives for societal change; interdisciplinary approaches to tackling ‘grand challenges’.

Programme available here

Keynote Speaker: Anna Coote, Principal Fellow, New Economics Foundation

For full details on the event, topics and themes, please click below:

Full Event Details

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