Healthcare conference presents different perspectives on the introduction of AI and autonomous systems in healthcare

News | Posted on Monday 18 July 2022

A partnership conference from AAIP and NHS Digital to bring delegates up-to-date with technology developments in healthcare, how the safety of these systems is being assured, and how ethics and governance are being considered.

The panel discussion at the Future health conference

The presentations from the conference are below.

The patient's view


Jo Dickson - Chief Nursing Officer, NHS Digital

Keynote presentation

Jo Dickson presentation slides (PDF , 1,194kb)


Sara Reis - Data Scientist, HN

"Assuring fairness and safety in the deployment of AI-guided systems designed to prevent unplanned care and surface unmet needs in the NHS"

Sara Reis presentation slides (PDF , 1,860kb)


Carla Brackstone - Partnerships Manager, Kheiron Medical Technologies

“Mia®: AI in breast cancer screening and safety considerations”

Carla Brackstone presentation slides (PDF , 6,150kb)


Paul Festor - PhD candidate, Imperial College London

“Safety assessment of the AI Clinician for sepsis treatment: an iterative approach”

Paul Festor presentation slides (PDF , 3,059kb)


Shakir Laher - AI/ML Research Engineer, NHS Digital

“Towards machine learning assurance: A clinical safety perspective”

Shakir Laher presentation slides (PDF , 2,154kb)


Baptiste Vasey - DPhil candidate, University of Oxford & Surgical Resident, Geneva University Hospitals

“Bringing humans and safety at the centre of clinical AI evaluation: the new DECIDE-AI guidelines”

Baptiste Vasey presentation slides (PDF , 1,455kb)


Dr Zoe Porter - Research Associate, Assuring Autonomy International Programme

“Beyond safety assurance: assuring the ethics of AI and autonomous systems”

Zoe Porter presentation slides (PDF , 2,549kb)


Kate Preston - Co-Chair CIEHF Digital Health & AI Special Interest Group and PhD candidate

“Human factors and ergonomics in healthcare AI: a white paper”

Kate Preston presentation slides (PDF , 1,873kb)


Photographs from the conference