Samantha Brady

Dr Sam Brady, Research Fellow/Trial Manager, Department of Health Sciences

Dignity contact since February 2023

If you're going through a difficult time at work or as a student, navigating University policies and procedures can be daunting. I became a Dignity Contact to help provide guidance and signposting to people in relation to the Dignity at Work and Study Policy. Having experienced workplace bullying, I developed a good understanding of the processes involved.

I hope to raise awareness of the Dignity at Work and Study policy across the Department of Health Sciences and the wider University and play my part in guiding others through the process.

I would encourage anyone considering being a dignity contact to speak to others who are already involved. The more of us who are able to provide guidance around this process, the more awareness of the policy we raise, the healthier the prevailing culture will be.

You can contact me ( or any other Dignity Contact for a chat if you have any concerns or questions about bullying, harassment or hate incidents affecting you or anyone else at the University. I can provide you with signposting, information, and sources of support to help address your concern.

Contact us

Equality and Diversity Office
+44 (0)1904 324680

Contact us

Equality and Diversity Office
+44 (0)1904 324680